
My thing with global warming is in high school (I graduated 2 years ago) literally EVERY single one of my science teachers, at 2 different schools said they didn't believe in global warming. Or at least that it's being caused by man. When you really think about how can we really know that this isn't another cycle of

Yeah I completely rewrote this comment because it was a first reaction type thing but I realized it looked rather ignorant but it gizsave my rewrite :/ but I still prefer the original its plays on that imperfect perfection idea and to me it looks better with 3 letters on both sides but another thing to take into

LMAO this entire "article" is offensive to graphic designers everywhere. The stem is not the center X_X if I were to recreate this in adobe illustrator right now it would align the 1 based on the CENTER of the entire object not the fucking edge. Apple called this correctly which is why they have graphic designers and

I follow the horizontal rule when recording videos as well but does anyone think it would be possible to force phones to record horizontal even when being held vertical but then display just fine vertically (similar to the way a horizontal video can be displayed vertically on iPhone's, but in realtime so that grandma

EVERYBODY AGREES, GOOGLE + PLAYSTATION = WIN. We need to get this trending on twitter and grab their attention because honestly the positives really outweigh the negatives here if balanced out nicely. Google makes great products and if they worked with playstation it would only help. Even if sony devolops their own

I never liked gangnam style but your use of this video is hilarious lmao, I could just imagine siri freaking the fuck out

I fully agree, but for us on the east coast oils are a rather rare encounter!

I feel like ALL electronics should come with this stuff sprayed on by default now that it exist, but im sure all of these evil companies will purposely avoid it to make more money off of replacements :(

The funny thing is mexican growers describe the US border as a magical line because in mexico the stuff s worth next to nothing but the moment it crosses into the U.S it becomes worth millions! Legalize it and the cartels will see so much profit loss it's not even funny

The problem is that tech start ups ARE giving out data... why don't you worry about your own country because the majority of stupid americans give zero fucks about europe. Even though its apart of this whole scandal haha

Thats what I mean be remade, but probably. This pack seems like its trying to give you every drop of metal gear so that everyone can experience all the metal gear they missed in preparation for MGS5 and again if they made it last year seems like it would be easier to just "drag and drop" previous work onto a new disc.

Of course haha, I doubt they would remake those games for a third time lol.

You do realize twin snakes was only a gamecube remake of mgs1 right...? Hopefully this pack includes a mgs1 that looks like twin snakes though since mgs2 & 3 got hd editioned!

I don't understand why tech companies have issues like this, like what happened to quality control! I feel like if you make a product you should give it a month of wear and tear with at least 100 trusted employees"renting" them and taking it into the wild. There are so many variables that could affect any mobile

This doesn't seem too serious though, only a small amount of people turn their phones into a hotspot, and an even smaller amount use the preset password im guessing, (recently bought an iphone 5 and will probably never use the hotspot feature but saw the password and didn't know it was randomly generated until the

Woot! Virginia Beach FTW

Hope I don't sound too ignorant but I never used google reader and only vaguely understand it since I havn't been to interested in looking up a dying product that I never used. What is the difference between Reader & Google Currents because they sound very similar from my vague understanding of Google Reader?

Vines are only muted by default on computers and I think it's because multiple vines on one page = death by sound,

Outside of PRISM this actually has been public knowledge. I had a professor last semester who used to work at the NSA (Actually not uncommon here, I live in Virginia which is saturated with government headquarters like the FBI and a strong navy area because of the world's largest naval base being here) but he actually

But did you fuck her?