
there’s “dirty” (Vontaze Burfict comes to mind here) and then there is sleazy (coaches pulling hair, coaches coming onto the field to start shit, coaches trying to trip kick returners)

Its not uncommon for players to lose their composure and lack maturity, but the Steelers’ coaching staff has to be one of the most

I unabashedly love the Garden State soundtrack, and I will not apologize for that.

I still shop like that when my husband is out of town. I refuse to judge Britney. Double Stuff or die.

I’m not yet a parent, but seriously thinking about going forward with it and I find this “parental choice/parental control” obsession in the US to be scary. Please, don’t make me 100% responsible for the life of a tiny human! I’ll do my very best to keep said human alive, healthy, and happy, but I don’t have the time

What the FUCK does the South have to do with it?


I just got out of the hospital from a nasty virus so I think I’ll go to a sit down restaurant :0=====

They really don't care about them as fetuses either. It's not like forced-birthers do anything to insure access to pre-natal care for pregnant women. Black babies, like all babies, are only important when the idea of them can be used to stoke panic in people over abortion.

If he REALLY cares about lowering teen pregnancy, maybe he should suggest that congresspeople wear shirts saying "we intend to fully fund comprehensive sex education."

The only Christian Bale I'd ever want is Laurie from "Little Women." Damn.

Tell them you paid for the flight, and you demand to be departed at once. All the other travelers, mother nature and the FAA will surely listen to your demands. I've found the best tone is one of anger and haste, and be sure to loudly proclaim any and all objections to the situation to everyone you encounter. Surely,

You, my friend, are killing it with the references!

This is literally the ONLY acceptable response.

She was a stay at home mom and wife. But she did coupon clip Freddy's way through law school, only for him to become Nefler the Muffler Man.

I refuse to believe Jennifer Aniston would wear this toilet paper bag as her wedding dress.

Especially after 3 previous c-sections! Those stats are for VBAC, not VBA3C.

I'd adore seeing the CPS rationale, but VBAC can be substantially more dangerous than you're giving it credit for, and fucking with safety during childbirth is something I'd leave to devoted homebirthers who're too often surprised to find that good vibes can actually end in maternal and child disability and death. If

Yeah, that was way more heart-wrenching than a mother getting fired because she was in jail for letting her kid play outside. Cool story.

While it is a right-to-work state, what is relevant here is that it's an "at-will" employment state.