
I am often going through many different aspects too. Aspects are hard. Perhaps I need a candle.

I had all of the Barbie and the Rockers as well as the Hot Rockin’ Stage and the guitar-shaped dance cafe. I was positively bananas over these sets.

Not in any part of the south I’ve ever lived in. And I’ve lived in Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee my whole life. Dip = french onion dip or similar. Salsa is salsa. Chips and dip = potato chips and french onion dip.

It’s not really a rumor if you read the statement of decision from the LA court. She and her lawyer essentially blackmailed the husband and it resulted in his Visa being revoked. The details of what was told to the state department are not specified, but Kelly and her lawyer said “sign this affidavit giving up custody

Those are drummettes. Not drumsticks. A chicken wing consists of the wing part and the drummette part, i.e., flats & drums. Still not the same as a chicken leg.

From now on, everything small is going to be referred to as “baby.” Baby paperclips. Baby post-its. Baby tomatoes. Baby plate.

Can someone explain to me the “water balloon of tartar sauce with sandwich floating in it.” I cannot figure out what this looks like.

At the risk of sounding like a complete monster (which I am not), I can envision a situation where an employee lets the register fill up with money and then their “friend” comes in and “robs” the store, making off with a ton of cash for the two of them. Now, I am not saying that is what happened here (because I have

Let us count the number of black teen moms on Teen Mom or Teen Mom 2...

I'll wait for the day when the pro-lifers actually care about black or poor babies after they are born and not just when they are fetuses.

My husband does this and it drives me crazy! I think for him it's a chafing issue. Who knows. Boys are so obsessed with their weiners.

Our first arrival!

I am the log. I am the ravine. I am...scared.

I didn't hear her complaining when she was spending the Muffler Man's money!

Preggo here...I would like all of the cookies and all of the stretchy pants. And also for it to be okay to nap throughout the day at my stuffy law firm job.