Lisbeth Salamander

Sandmann explained: His classmates, are not “racist people,” they—like he—come from a school that does not “tolerate racism.”

There once was a model named Pam,

There are 535 members of Congress. I can name maybe 75 of them total? 100 at most.

In Ontario there has been a concerted effort to get people to plant milkweed. In the last two years I’ve noticed many more Monarchs, but nowhere near as many as when I was a kid.

We need to plant more milkweed

EEverybtime I see this story I think of Michelle McNamara and get really verklempt. I wish so badly she could witness all of this. 

In my life, I’ve gone from speaking English with a heavy French accent, to a Canadian accent, then to a southern British accent, to end up with a slightly Americanized mid-Atlantic accent. It does happen.

Kinda? I know that I still carry some of my southern Indiana inflections if I’m not paying attention, and it’s bled into my more generic Midwestern accent that I’ve cultivated for the last twenty years.

I think so. I had a friend in HS (California) who ended up in Indiana for college, and a couple years in, she started to sound more mid western. She didn’t realize she was doing it until I pointed it out to her.

My aunt and uncle moved around a lot in the early days of their marriage because he was in the Army. She would pick up a new accent within hours of moving in to the new place. 

When I was growing up, I had a thick Wisconsin accent. Eventually moved away and lost it. But when I’m back there drinking with family (what else is there to do?), uff da does that shit come back.

I have to make a conscious effort to not emulate the accents and speaking patterns of the places I live because it reads pretentious, even when it’s not intended. 

My friend from (American) High school now has a bit of a British accent, despite moving back to the US after a decade in the UK. She’s not putting it on, it gets thicker when she’s stressed.

I’m the same. However as long as I have some basic constraints (rarely for more than a few minutes at a time, and I wouldn’t post more than once every few days on FB, for example) then I’m not concerned.

My Pixel 2 has a native app called Digital Wellbeing that allows me to set timers and see how much time I spend on all apps. I found that it helped me be conscious of how much time I was spending on FB and IG when I set a 2 hour/day limit on those two. (I upped the limits when I ended up in the ER and find myself

“He acquiesces entirely to the will of Trump 100 percent of the time.”

Mike Pence looks like a stick of deodorant that someone taught to wince.

Photo 5 may have the look of a mother dragging a stubborn toddler but photo 10... is just...

Near the end of WWII when the Allies retook some parts of Europe, the newly liberated populace sometimes shaved the heads of woman Nazi collaborators. It’s just a random fun fact that amuses me for some reason.