Lisa Marie Basile

No, it's true. I totally believe him over her in this case, and I even think the suit has merit. It sounds like she's a disturbed stalker. It's just the language is kind of ridiculous.

Yeah, this is really offensive to all those Dynastic, pre-Roman Empire Egyptians still kicking about.

I think she deserves the last word.

It terrifies me that some of you absolute fucking morons might sit on a jury someday.

Those "gut feeling" people. Like, read the evidence, wait 5 minutes, and then realize that your gas bubbles don't count as proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

There's been a few articles on both Gawker and Jezebel on Amanda Knox in the last couple days, and I'm genuinely surprised at how many people think she's guilty. And I'm even more surprised that the reason they think she is guilty is because of a "gut feeling." Very odd.

I'm just so confused by this...haircut.

I hope they, at the very least, think about how horrible a daily cavity search is.

Can I just say a preemptive FUCK YOU to all the trolls and their insensitive comments about women's vaginas.

Somehow, I think that the 'etiquette police' are simply using this as an excuse to fat shame. Oh, he got angry after you already apologized? THEN YOU DIDN'T DO IT THE RIGHT WAY, GOD LINDY WHY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?

No matter how polite we fat people are, or if we have the temerity to act like a "Normal" person, it will

Lindy, these clarifications are super important (can you put them in the article? Please please please?). Without them, you end up seeming passive aggressive and confrontational. As a person who loves several fat people who are routinely shamed for having the gall to exist in public spaces, and as a human being who

Let's clarify a few things! I'm actually pretty much obsessed with etiquette and politeness. That's why I said "sorry," before I even asked the guy to move. I didn't touch him or get in his space in any way when I reached up to put my bag in the bin. I didn't "lean over him." In fact, I put my bag in the bin behind

Last time I flew, years ago, I was a petite person. At the check-in the agent looked me up and down and then assigned seats. (This was a charter flight, no one got choices, you took what they gave you). I got on and next to me was an enormous woman who was so large that she couldn't use the tray. I'm positive that

Poor woman is suffering from post-puke stuffy nose and is standing in some dirt field near Vegas in the dark.

Man, he was really pushing that big picture to get some more excitement and it was not happening. Granted, she did say she felt ill.

To her defence, though, a loud, type-A man sorta yelling at you with a microphone in your face might make anyone a little uncomfortable. I think the sunglasses were probably a smart

Oral herpes. If you've kissed more than three people in your life you probably have it too.