Lisa K

Can we take a moment to recognize the fact that generalizing these substandard examples of supposed masculinity as “men” is as unfair as giving weight to the comments this vocal, ignorant minority makes against women? “Men” seeing women in gaming are not the problem. Bigots with poor self-esteem who seem to be men are

a historical shooter defaced

It must depend on the game and on who you meet. More social/cooperative games (like WoW and MMOs) are rumored to have that “say you’re a girl and you get free loot” tendency, although I’ve found it to be wildly unverified. My former WoW guild had a ratio of about 50/50 and most of the girls there didn’t really get

This article paints such a vivid experience of watching the last decade in transformation and the duality of representation and exclusion that has come with a renewed interest in video game gender politics. It’s not one I experienced firsthand, but one that I was painfully forced to watch my gaming friends suffer

“I have some quibbles with Rowling’s world building—how does magic work, exactly?”

In addition to the points maryannsue brings up, they’ve had this ‘core gamers only’ mindset for all facets of the company...including business, financial, HR, etc. All areas that have absolutely nothing to do with actually designing the damn game. Even if we were to accept that only their narrow definition of ‘core

But you can make that argument about literally anything.

“You should give up your dream job because someone else is being an asshole”.

Man, do I feel the section on ideas being dismissed if a woman says them. I am a tech specialist, the only one in my company (~1500 employees). In terms of my specialty, I know more on aggregate than anyone else in my company. Good luck getting a specific group of guys to listen though.

That’s how journalism works, ding-dong. D’Anastasio puts her own name and reputation on the line, as do her publishers (Kinja), as the collateral for a story's veracity. If their unnamed sources don't have the position/background as described (or don't exist at all, as happens in some cases), their careers are over. 

Well, screaming about how evil straight white men are isn’t productive, I agree. But for every person I’ve run into who does that I’ve run into 50 people who take even-handed, thoughtful pieces like this article and accuse it of being “screaming about evil straight white men”.

In general, predominantly female fields tend to offer lower pay and lower prestige than male-dominated careers. This is true across broad categories (service workers are more female than male and are paid less than other types of workers), within industries (nurses are more female than doctors) and even within

That doesn’t even make sense. If you go on record in an article slamming your employer, whether you’re right or wrong, other employers won’t want to hire you. This is especially true in the very small and insular games industry. It makes perfect sense that someone speaking up about the sexism at Riot wouldn’t want to

Because women are 50% of the population. Duh.

Did you read the parts where interviewers didn’t believe the women when they said they were hard core gamers? A woman said she had 16 consoles hooked up and was still questioned if she was a real gamer.

Certain segments of the internet have been calling Riot a ‘SJW’ infested games studio for years now. So.. this new information doesn’t really surprise me in the least given if 2018 has taught us anything its that the people who do the most to prove how progressively feminist they are tend to also be the ones who are

I agree it is shameful, but it sounds like you are surprised that this is the case with Computer Scientists. My experience is that the field of computer science is very biased against women and they see no conflict with “logic”. In fact, I’ve found that computer scientists will often use “logic” to prove that women

Not remotely suprising. A quick look at the female characters in LoL itself tells you tons about their mindset toward women.

Can’t read it all now but reading the first third and skimming the rest, this is an excellent feature, Cecilia. It blows my mind that many people are going to read this and think it just exists to push some kind of agenda.

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