
This is lacking context - is that the police’s entire statement? Is that their proposed solution? Because to me, assuming that they’re blaming the victim through that statement is the same as accusing someone of victim-blaming by saying “please be careful” or “be safe”.

Step down? For this??????? Are you high?

Comparisons inherently legitimize/forgive some instances of sexual harassment and scapegoat others.

Yeah, here’s a fun exercise: What if the Golden Groper here HAD run in 2020 and this came out in October, a month before the election? What would everyone on this thread have done? We really need to consider what constitutes a realistic dealbreaker in an age of high-stakes hyperpartisanship.

But what does accountable mean in this particular instance? This is gross behavior, it is absolutely an example of toxic masculinity/boys club/patriarchy, but it also doesn’t seem egregious enough for him to resign over.

I agree with what you said, and im all for holding someone accountable, doesnt look like he’s touching her in that photo. Childish? Yes? A little pervy? Yes. But we cant keep painting these scenarios with the same brush. And really, the #metoo tag? Id be embarrassed to lump myself in with people who had been

So... Brazile is claiming that Hillary used her power to *rig* the primary but the fact that she considered SINGLE-HANDEDLY replacing Hillary with Joe Biden, is NOT potential overreach of power (and did she even have the authority to do this)?

I don’t know. He seems like a pretty smart guy that wouldn’t believe something that dumb. I think he’s just blinded by a close friendship. Sometimes it’s hard to see someone you’re close to for what they are. Masterson’s crimes aren’t Kutcher’s fault. It’s kinda shitty to blame him. He seems like a good dude.

Old Minnesotans do. Source: lived there from 95-08. They say it with no irony whatsoever.

He was a biochemical engineering major at the University of Iowa when he was scouted, a couple of years after I graduated. He’s a pretty bright guy.

Right, but the question is can I sue my mother for giving me cold sores when I was a toddler?

I know, its gross, but you have to admit it isn’t surprising given they elected a sexual assaulter to the highest office in the land.

He was elected AFTER admitting on tape that he was a sexual predator; because being famous gives entitlement to grabbing women’s pussies, walking into underage female dressing rooms, kissing women without consent. Do you really think that anyone coming forward now will do any good? If only it would! Maybe if all the

Exactly. Why did I instantly hear the old standby of “crazy women”/”liars” in my head in response to the fact that you can ask a coworker out... “well I just asked her out one time man and she just reported me because she’s nuts” ughhhhh

Good—always thought this guy was a creep. And throughout the run up to the election, I found him to be way too much of a Trump apologist.

I love how he describes pressing his erection against women without their consent as “pursuing a relationship.” Who said chivalry was dead?

Apparently kinja just ate my post so let me repost. This is completely unrelated. The public high school right by my house that I can hear all the football stadium announcements just had a prayer and a whole Jesus is our savior thing before they played the national anthem. THIS IS NOT OK. Forced patriotism and

Ugh, man, some people. Reminds me of when my husband came home and told me that a 3 star general (he works in missile defense and sometimes meets with military, CIA, govt people) had asked him ‘jokingly’, “how’s your angry wife doing?” Unfortunately, he was not in a position to tell that asshole off for saying that

Most people are assholes. Most people are crazy, it’s just a matter of whether or not they’re your kind of crazy. If all you want to do is pick at scabs, at best, you’ll end up with scars.

And the thing is...most of our husbands are assholes, too!! Most of our husbands have sexually harassed or made racist jokes. Most men have. We need to admit this and take it from there.