
They deeply and truly believe that Democrats are the enemy. Democrats have been so grossly maligned that a good number of them actually think Dems are on the same level as terrorist groups. They don’t think of Dems as humans, let alone fellow citizens. That’s what’s most terrifying. 

This would have been 1000% better if they had just used real cats.

Apparently Ivanka didn’t like the chant, so I’m guessing that’s 100% where this is all coming from.

Here, fixed it !

Those against Trump, or who have any shred of decency in their body, will continue to seethe.  The conservative faithful will ignore this like they’ve ignored everything else that’s contradicted their supposed Christian values and moral superiority.  Nothing will ever make them change their minds about Herr Cheeto.  

  • BA, Philosophy/Politics/Economics, Oxford University

This is false. Under is plan around 600 vacant and abandoned houses were demolished and around 400 houses were repaired. No resident of these neighborhoods were pushed out of their houses. Homes are very affordable in South Bend. Too affordable even ($30,000 -$40,000 for some and mansions cost like $80,000). Banks

Go vaccinate your kids you cunt.

I mean, maybe not literally in a cornfield. Maybe on an airstrip in the middle of nowhere with cornfields around it. There are plenty of little rural airfields in the midwest.

Well, so I think Rich might have found the incident or a comparable one - it’s possible the crash did happen, but it was more of an emergency landing than the yarn being spun here. There’s no way she could have covered up a firey plane crash that resulted in immediate life threatening injuries, she could have covered

If you don’t mind my asking, did you have a reaction? Or did you find out during your pregnancy? I totally believe you, just curious how you found out the rubella didn’t take.

Huh. How did they refer to the gene? ‘Cause I immediately dubbed it “motherfucker”.

Now playing

Thanks for this! I’ve always wondered why there’s been no verifiable documentation and yet she keeps hocking this story - And it was basically the whole backbone (wakka wakka) of her amazing reality show, Hey Paula.

I have a deeply held personal belief that no matter how much Jessica Biel says she doesn’t want spying on her from her bedroom window, she really does want me to do that. It is nothing short of a travesty of justice that the Government would interfere in this deeply held personal belief of mine.

I did see one of those on a cow once at a state fair.  The cow did not look pleased.

Jesus Christ this is obnoxious. Jezebel’s coverage of most of the 2020 candidates has been obnoxious. Other posters have already pointed out how stupid it is to say that Mayor Pete has accomplished nothing but it’s not just this piece. What do you all think you’re adding to the world by snarking on every single

Please tell me that this article is sarcasm? Have you even examined what he did as mayor in a decent sized Rust Belt City?

This is just another story about portraying women as being in competition for the attention of a man.

you know none of this is true. She was their host asking if they wanted drinks. groupies need to chill.

Also it turns out she was buying them drinks and couldnt hear Jay-Z and was asking if he wanted a lime with his vodka and soda. What a homewrecking bitch amirite? all those death threats worth it.