
Y’know, as a lifelong resident of Pacific Northwest logging communities, that accent is pretty fucking solid. That is the beer-soaked croak of a rural Clackamas (where she grew up)/Clark County (where she lives now) (ETA: or Washington Count, which is also very close) heavy smoker who hasn’t been sober in at least

OK, back in the day Tanya Harding was one of my favorite skaters before the whole “Why Me!?!?!” incident of course. But she always just seemed like the underdog you wanted to root for. Rough around the edges and having to work for everything and giving zero fucks. Watched the trailer, and gotta say. I’m here for it.

I think what he said was pretty fair. “I don’t remember” seemed like an honest statement especially when he followed it up with “I am not calling you a liar.”

Driving along, that song comes on, crank it up, belt it out. Middle age retreats and indestructible youth revives for 3:36 minutes.

Now playing

a true fact is that American Girl is one of the best songs ever written, I’m going to listen to it and cry now

I’m in my early 40's and I have had a crush on him also. I do wonder if he sort of was saying it because he’s a guy, so to him, he can’t be a true feminist. I know a lot of older men who feel that way, they don’t understand that the term can apply to anyone.

Maybe he’s senile now. Or...I don’t know! I’m sad and I’m surprised Jane didn’t bitch slap him a little. Dammit, now I’m disappointed in her, too. This day sucks.

Megyn is horrible at this but it makes me happy to see her get a death stare from Jane Fonda. Megyn should have stuck to scaring old white people with stories about blacks on food stamps and the New Black Panther Party.

My intense hatred for Megyn Kelly felt irrational until I saw John Oliver’s clips over her on Sunday and then I felt fully justified and pleased with my visceral disgust.

Rule #1: Never trust a politician that gives you their phone number and tells you that they’ll “personally” take care of something.

Conversely, “Good news staff — I left a msg with the Governor! So just sit tight until, I dunno, something happens,” doesn’t seem like a valid plan to me.

I love that he starts off by asking a legitimate and relevant personal question, then renders it rhetorical by immediately admitting he doesn’t know the answer.

Do you know there’s an article bashing Trump? Because he’s a hick-ass moron who is going to get us all killed because he’s pandering like crazy to gun-totin’ racist MRA chucklefucks like you.

Oh come on, she’s married to an evil doll, not Slenderman!

In Brandi’s opinion, this is bill “looks worse” than the other repeal bills that failed in the Senate. “Which is surprising,” she added. “I didn’t think it could get any worse.”

The reason people are talking about it is mother! Is a crazy story for a major studio to have greenlit. coupled with the fact that Jennifer Lawrence is abused and finally killed in the end of her new boyfriends film it’s a little weird.

But it looks like so much fun!

Your dad sounds pretty cool.