
Plus the OJ mini series was pretty awesome . I was so into the menendez brothers trial but boy are they 2 little spoiled brats . I never believed the whole sexual abuse deal . I think their dad was tough on them and probably treated their mother like crap . I think their dad just got his extra sex on the side with

Plus don’t you have to spread the work out ? I have been tempted to get some filler & Botox and try to lessen my eleven between the eyebrows but fear how my deputy dogg jowls will be accentuated . Something I got from my dad . Yes I am starting to look more like my dad and his sister

My bad I wasn’t paying attention and read the I like the idea of women driving the story as his feeling about women being allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia 

Jane’s WTF face is the best . Love you Jane you go girl .

He still looks great but what is up with the feminist thing ? I can’t figure that out unless he doesn’t deserve the title of being a feminist since he did not make the sacrifices . I think of him as one . I mean don’t we all believe in equal pay for equal work and a woman’s right to vote

I am in no way a Fox News or Megyn Kelly fan but I watched the interview and I thought the became gay remark was an attempt at a joke or just poorly worded

Ditto . On a side note has anybody else gone to star somebody’s comment and had it actually take a star away ?

This is my issue with her I feel like their mother took an insecure teenager and said let’s make you look more like your sister . Plus with her being such a public figure there is the added pressure of the public feedback . That has to be tough and I would not wish that on anybody . Have you read the comments on some

This is a tough subject because I don’t like shaming somebody about their appearance but when they were perfectibely lovely before it is tough watching them mess with their face . Plus when your a parent and you know your own child has insecurities because of a body part it’s hard watching celebrities get so many

Don’t forget the “ Look I already lost the baby weight “ instas

Agreed I mean the whole state was pretty much literally a shit storm so I get that maybe 911 and the governors hotline was backed up but why could you not walk across the street to the hospital . I would be pretty upset if my love one died of heat exhaustion across the street from a hospital .

Trump looks like some crazy over the top character in a Coen brothers movie but no he is for real . Walking around on some stage puffing out his chest waiting for some rednecks to cheer him on . Scary times

I live up in Washington state and last week 3 high school football players from the opposing team kneeled during the anthem . I am assuming it was in protest of the not guilty verdict in St Louis . People lost their shit on the local Facebook page . It got a little ugly but there were surpisingly quite a few that

If the shoe fits

Agreed I will wait and get it on Redbox in 3-4 months

I saw Angelyne at a sprouts grocery store in Thousand Oaks California . I have to say she was messerizing and I had to try hard not to stare or take a pic with my phone .

Ditto sister . She pisses me off with her snotty attitude and I her “I pay more taxes then you commoner mommy blogger “ F this bitch and her designer duds

Damn you meddling kids

Yes but they can be very charming in person . People say trump is very charming in person .

Agreed if it hadn’t been for Prince partying in 1999 Tswift partying like it’s 1989 would not have sounded so cool .