
Well trump invented priming the pump . At least he said he did so it must be true

Congrats on doing a great job and raising some good decent kids but oh my you used the F word . I was a child of the late 60's and 70's and I am shocked at how feminist has become a bad word . Have we forgotten how our mothers and grandmothers have fought for women’s rights ?

We had 2 shitty candidates . I would definitely prefer Trump be an awesome president rather then a shitty one but he keeps letting me down . I didn’t vote for him because I found him disgusting . My hope is now that our congresspersons and senators do the right thing and come together to help America . I am sick of

You forget he still has his base . You must have one person on facebook that loves this guy . I mean we all do right .? I have a few and I want to unfriend them but I know I have to stay informed . I have to be aware of our enemy . I am blown away by the number of highly religious people who are willing to back this

I am a white female boomer and I have 4 sisters also boomers not one of us was a trump supporter . We all matched in the Women’s March in our respective cities . I have a hard time believing 54% of white middle aged women voted for this horrible person. . I am watching Trump and Flotus in Houston right now . Even

Agreed I am sure Houston doesn’t want to deal with them right now . They are too busy allocating man power and resources to saving people . A quick helicopter tour will suffice

Or those awful trump supporters on Facebook who love to post how America finally has a classy First Lady .

Well at least a pair of sneakers a dark pair of Keds . Definitely not a white pair . She can bring a pair of wellies just in case they have to walk through some puddles . I never put on my wellies until I am getting down to business . They aren’t the most comfortable foot wear but better then stilettos

I am all for peaceful protest but I am against this distruction and violence . They shut down parts of Portland a few times . Sorry we need to be the bigger and better people . We can’t give them what they want they love to call us radicalized liberals . When they break windows etc they are shutting down businesses

The welding goggles and helmets are usually only shade 5 they need to be shade 12 or 13 to be safe preferable shade 14 . Those are usually special order but check the numbers and stay safe . There are a lot of viewings with free glasses .

It should be Myers got it right and the president didn’t . Agreed it shouldn’t be a competition between the late night hots

Super late to comment but I was born & raised in the Midwest so I have dealt with nasty winters . Every year I would go to Costco and pick up hot fingers gloves they sell there I think they cost about $15.99 . Sometimes they are on the coupon . Anyway I lived in California for 5 years and I swore they even sold them

Super late to comment but I was born & raised in the Midwest so I have dealt with nasty winters . Every year I would

Is he going to provide the eclipse glasses ?

I hope this becomes an episode of the next season of portlandia

Too late Trump is the anti christ

This maybe a problem

Maybe he booked the $30,000 mount Jefferson eco camping experience for the eclipse . There might be a problem because it has been warm & dry here lately . I heard the fire danger was up and areas near mount Jefferson were closed

Portland is the crazy cat lady capital plus I believe the state was settled by white supremacists . It use to be illegal to be black and a citizen or Oregon

He might know some of that tantric shit just like Sting