My thoughts exactly I doubt Trump considered anybody else’s feelings about him running for president other then his own . He is such a narcissist
My thoughts exactly I doubt Trump considered anybody else’s feelings about him running for president other then his own . He is such a narcissist
I agree with you I don’t know if it is protect her image . Maybe an eleven year old kid who is thrust into the international spotlight is into everybody knowing he has autism or aspegers . Leave the kid alone and let him be a kid . When he wants to tell the world he has autism he can tell us .
I distinctly remember Rush Limbaugh said the Clintons brought a dog to the White House and he was referring to Chelsea . That is something you remember when your a 12 year old girl I am sure this jerk’s comment affected Chelsea . Kathy Griffin needs to watch the jokes about children they are not funny . I know she…
That’s nice of you because when they go to animal control it can get quite pricey . Of course that is depending on the city but I thought they run about $100-150
Did anyone else see that horrible obviously photoshopped pic of Arianna wiping her butt with the American flag ? Somebody posted it on Facebook . When I saw it I thought about all the crazies who believed it was real and would threaten Arianna and her family . I did hear the other day that her family did have extra…
I remember that show and I agree with you 100% . He was so full of himself and felt his photos were so provocative . Why is he getting away with this and nobody is attacking him ?
I was pissed at Kathy because her stunt probably got Trump some sympathy and turned attention away from all this shit Trump and his cabinet are putting us through .
No kidding I mean really Kathy you didn’t expect any backlash . There is no way you could not have figured out you might get threats and backlash from Trump’s supporters . Do you know the type of people who support this man did you not watch the news coverage of his rallies .
Also she posted it right after 3 men in Portland had their throats slashed by a white supremacist
The problem is if we get rid of him we get a president Pence. I am torn because I believe Pence maybe even worse the republicans will run rampant and pass everything and we will all be screwed . Unless of course you are a wealthy white male 1% .
I agree it was in very poor taste . It had too much of a Isis beheading video and it doesn’t help what happened in Portland this weekend . After some crazy white supremacist killed 2 men and injured one by slashing their throats she should have waited or figured out it should never be released . The only good that can…
There is also a third man who survived the stabbing . He is hospitalized in Portland his throats was also slashed . The white supremacist who stabbed all 3 of these men had harassed another woman the evening before the stabbings
I cannot handle those kiosk sales people ever since I was told by one how rude it was I wasted their time etc . I was in Las Vegas and had some time to waste so after ignoring the kiosk sales people for a few days I decided to try the product and hear their sales pitch . I let the one with the face cream that contains…
Then her kids were part of the bling ring and broke into Paris’ , Lindsey Lohan & Orlando Blooms homes .
Wtf with companies like hobby lobby who want to have the right to buy insurance which doesn’t provide birth control to their employees that is just so messed up . No way does an employer have the right to tell me whether I can use birth control .
I agree these assholes I can’t any more with these right wing religious fucks . They are going to defund planned parenthood they are such jerks . It’s already hard enough for people to find affordable healthcare so now because some planned parenthood perform abortions they want to defund the organization . Have none…
And Benghazi
Honey I would think it would be slathered in maple syrup
I was like you one of the few people who thought Trump could possibly win . I kept telling my friends and family never underestimate the stupidity of the American electorate . I feared that the election would be a huge fuck you to politics as usually and trump would win . Sadly it looks like it’s going to be the…
About the same time as poor little snowflake