How about those 2 black women on you tube Leather & Lace something like that they are a Trump supporting comedy duo but I think they could be fake it just gives them publicity . I mean what POC can actually support Trump
How about those 2 black women on you tube Leather & Lace something like that they are a Trump supporting comedy duo but I think they could be fake it just gives them publicity . I mean what POC can actually support Trump
I am not sneering at them in fact I would love to see a new industry move into those towns and revitalize the area . I live in a depressed area they have lost a lot of manufacturing jobs . It’s a beautiful area but other businesses have closed or moved . Also the schools roads infrastructure have all suffered because…
I totally missed the dick too . I am bad because I check my phone too often while watching TV but the scenes between Kidman & Skarsgaard make me so uncomfortable I look away . I was watching Sunday’s show with 2 other people and they didn’t notice the dick either . I will be rewatching the scene later this week .
I was listening to Mila Kunis on Howard Stern this morning . It sounds like her parents are pretty amazing . She grew up poor her parents paid for everything and didn’t take her money she earned as a child actor . They live in the same condo she grew up in and refused they to move into her home when she moved in with…
Plus all that fracking resulting in a record number of earthquakes
I hope they can bring the whole administration down . It doesn’t seem fair after Russia fucked with our election that they get to stay in power . One or 2 less news stories the whole thing could have turned out differently . If pence is in power they still control the senate , congress and the executive office . They…
Don’t forget Beck Bennett as a shirtless Putin . I am so excited for the potential lineup . You just know Cheetolini will be watching and live tweeting
I suggest they donate to the ACLU
I am sure he is boycotting Target
OMG I watched that press conference too and he brought her and Jared up there too . He mentioned his 3 Jewish grandchildren as proof that he loves the Jews to Netanyahu . Aren’t Don jr and Erik married to Jewish women so I figure all his grandkids are Jewish ? He is such a huge jerk I can not stand him
Yeah what’s with the short hair hate . I wish I could pull off the short hair cuts but I look like a dork . My long hair is a snarly pain in the butt except it works with my face and hair type . So I do the LVP hair until I get too old for long hair .
I am one of those olds so I would say I prefer adele’s music and I find her voice amazing .i have to agree though I believe Beyoncé should have won . I have listened to both albums since my daughter owns both and she plays them on drives . I have to add what is up with the whole virgin of Guadalupe outfit Beyoncé wore…
Adam Levine did a pretty solid Purple Rain at Howard Sterns birthday but I agree it would be awesome for the original Revolution to be involved . Maybe Morris Day & the Time of course Sheila E . I would like to see Lenny Kravitz on guitar or somebody who can totally kill it on guitar . Prince was amazing and his super…
They are selling the Meier &. Frank in downtown Portland and the Daytons in downtown Minneapolis . These we’re both flagship stores that’s drew people to downtown for the santas village and the annual christmas display plus Dayton’s did an annual spring flower show . Macy’s only cares about their thanksgiving parade…
The juniors department was the worst . Teenage girls can be so rude and they treat the merchandise like shit . We had 2 stores in the mall where I worked and the women’s side was the worst juniors of course the worst . They would leave everything off the hangers and lying on the floor . The men’s department was better…
I agree they don’t do enough for women sexual well being . All these men have viagara and cialis . It seems like they are just focused on erectile dysfunction .
Isn’t Hudson Bay Company already owned by Macy’s ? I was in the Victoria Hudson Bay this summer and they had many of the same brands as the Macy’s stores here in the states . I was a past Macy’s employee and I noticed they carried brands exclusive to both Macy’s and Bloomingdales bedding and bath .
Macy’s treats their employees like shit . Sadly I believe this is the wave of the future for many retail outlets . These companies probably don’t see enough value in giving the customer a good retail experience . They don’t seem to be willing to reward the employee with raises if they give good customer service and…
Another thing that scares me is the Trump interview where he said he was pro life and would like for there to be a way to prosecute women who had abortions . WTF I mean there are really people who believe that shit . This was before he was elected and people still voted for the giant bloated cheeto . I know the…
Hopefully the co pay is not more then $10 like a lot of prescriptions . $10 a month is doable but if they jack birth control up to $300 or $500 would be ridiculous . I just assume insurance companies realize that birth control is way cheaper then pregnancies . I use to get so angry when some insurances covered men…