Another problem is those with chronic pain aren’t moving as much either and I always thought lack of movement can screw up the intestinal flow .
Another problem is those with chronic pain aren’t moving as much either and I always thought lack of movement can screw up the intestinal flow .
Yes oxy corks you up . OxyContin is way too over prescribed I got it for a few different minor surgeries sterilization and some dental work . I tend to try and stay away from any pain killer that isn’t OTC . So I only used my prescriptions like 2 days max then went to store bought Tylenol . My son was an addicted so…
I worked with a guy from Fresno . Good looking smart and athletic from a wealthy family . Started using herion after he got an athletic injury . When I was working with him he had been thrown out by his family . I should have noticed that he was using he kept asking fellow workers for money etc . One night we were…
Maybe the guy with the terrorist puppet could open for him
Oh my god you are correct Dennis Miller stopped being funny when he turned to the dark side .
I can’t help but think that Trump is a huge risk to us . I was watching a report on Rachel Maddow and all of Trumps piping off about making torture legal and keeping the Iraqi oil is rishing the safety of our troops that are over there assisting the Iraqi army to liberate Mosul from Isis control . I can’t stand this…
Another way to keep the middle class & the poors down . I am so enraged right now I was reading about how they are closing planned parenthoods across the nation making it harder and harder for people without resources to quality healthcare etc . It’s going to be harder for a lot of people to get checkups and therefore…
Yes Mark Dayton and he collapsed during the state of the state speech . I think it was due to dehydration but he disclosed that he recently found out he has prostrate cancer . I grew up in Minnesota and my family was very involved with politics but it’s like everywhere there are the extremists on both sides . The tea…
I signed up for the email notifications this morning because it has only been a few days since the march but I need to stay informed and involved . Trump frightens me so much I can’t help but believe that his administration will only help the top 1% . I fear we will be set back so many years on so many causes that…
Very convenient for breast feeding mothers
I was also getting the Shia LeBouf with a bit of Cory Feldman thrown in
You probably own Gildan it’s popular for silk screened band and sports team tees . Their T shirts are on sale for 3 for $10 at Michaels and Joann’s for silk screening or tie dying . I went to one of Kanye wests Pablo pop up shops and he was selling his silk screened Tees and hoodies on Gildan brand tees and crew…
I swear way too much now but I can’t help thRow out a grab them by the pussy at one of the hypocritical deplorables that voted for trump
Went to Hidden Figures with the family this weekend and started crying like a baby . I was so proud our country had made so many strides forward in the last 60 years but now I fear that we will loose so much under trump
Violet Jefferson Beauregard
WTF nobody could get the Joe Scarborough band
I know Samantha bee John Oliver you have been on hiatus and we need you now more then ever .
I can hardly stand to watch these 2 first they kissed his ass because they thought he was a joke but having him on was good for ratings then they decided he was scary as hell and unhinged but not he is the fucking second coming . Whatever they make me ill plus joe is a huge blow hard who talks over Mika and all the…
I do enjoy watching Mariah being Mariah . The only thing that could have made this better is if her dancers had brought out her chaise lounge so she could just sit there while they dance around her of course with her best side toward us . Here is a true artist though and this is why I would go to or watch a concert so…
Don’t worry we are all fucked . Trump is president elect he thinks he has a mandate the damn republicans hold all three branches ok I know I worded that incorrectly . But they have the house the senate and the executive we are all screwed there is a Supreme Court seat open and like 120 federal judge seats so we are…