
She could kick anybody’s ass love her she is amazing Donald trump is too much of a pussy to ever face her she would eviscerate his ass

Love Rachel she is amazing I was dying yelling at the tv as Kelly Anne defended melania and he lawsuit against a blogger who alleged lied about her as they discussed trump lying about a reporter

Plus wake up mainstream lame stream media stop kissing this huge assholes ass

Fuck ivanka she is completely lovely smart and composed but wtf your father is a narcissistic fuck who thinks he can grab women by the pussy fuck him fuck his rich ass friends and fuck his wife and kids . Call him out for the little fucking bitch and wimpy ass child bully he is and tell him

Michael Moore said that if Clinton had gotten 2 more votes in each precinct in Michigan she would have won the state . My 2 sons who voted in their first presidential election were Bernie supporters during the primary but chose not to vote for Clinton . Actually the vote could have easily been switched and I fully

Hey Hillary lost more electoral votes then trump wtf is up with that now we have to listen to trump bring that shit up at his stupid ass victory rallies

Maybe trump will name him to the Supreme Court

I watched the shallows and enjoyed it more then I expected to so I am going with cara delevigne’s uncle and it was suicide squad . I hated her character and busted into laughter every time she appeared on screen also Jared leto’s joker sucked . I did not like the suicide squad but Margo Robbie was best part of it

Of course Manafort he is Putin’s bestie and now it has been disclosed by the FBI knew as did some congressmen that the Russia’s were trying to manipulate our election results in Cheetolini’s favor

No Sarah Palin is suppose to be secretary of the interior

Grew up in Minnesota we called them snowmobiles . Sarah Palin was the first one I heard call them snowmachines .

This dude is always going to give you the side eye he can’t help it

They had bad weather there the other day my daughter lives in Fargo on the Minnesota North Dakota border and she said most of her Black Friday cyber Monday packages were delayed . That winter there is brutal in that part of the country it will be tough protesting and also tough for the police and whoever is there

I have a feeling this guy will get a blanket party . Killing children doesn’t sit well with fellow inmates .

This is heartbreaking and I hope your kids have an awesome bus driver I know they are out there . My kids had a great bus driver for years but her kids went to the same school district as she drove for . She knew the kids and their parents and took on that great responsibility . Lucky for her the kids all respected

Yeah I was laughing with my kids about the illuminati and Beyoncé being a clone but today not so much . I am feeling a bit guilty because my daughter called to tell me her step brother is talking about ending it all so yeah mental illness sucks

My daughter is dealing with her step brother talking about committing suicide so yeah it’s that whole deal . He has 2 very young children it is a heartbreaking situation . I am assuming Kanye is experiencing some kind of breakdown or agitated mental state where he needs help . Fortunately he is wealthy has enough

I am sure he will charge the government for leasing the plane when he uses his trump plane

I just figure a ten year old at 3am staring blankly as his dad speaks isn’t that what every 10 year old would be doing at 3am .

My son was diagnosed with having aspergers . He definitely has issues with clothing tags bedding etc . He likes other people and socializing and desires friendship but has had some difficulty making friends so when he was younger would play alone or with his siblings and their friends . He is not a fan of loud noises