
I agree with you why did he run in the first place . Trump had a sweet life now he has brought out the hatred we had for him full force . I have to admit I think the guy is a big giant douche but I did enjoy watching the celebrity apprentice . I can’t believe Melania or Barron signed up for this their life will be

No shit wtf school did your mother go to if they don’t teach about the holocaust . I mean that is some Alex jones info Wars conspiracy theory shit

I have a Facebook friend who keeps favoriting FB postings with alt right pro trump postings . I remember her working hard to get Obama elected and kick Michele Bachman to the curb back in 2008 . I was going to join her in a lit drop and doing phone banks but I pussed out because I was busy with my life . Yes I should

Fuck these assholes am I suppose to understand them when they don’t try to understand me . I don’t care what color sex race religion whatever my neighbor is as long as they are a decent person . Be a decent human beaning and live by the golden rule . I remember how they acted toward president Obama yes the color of

I think he has ADHD plus narcassistic personality disorder . Probably a few other things too 

Plus aren’t most of Ivanka’s and Donald’s manufactured outside of the United States

I usually only shop the clearance rack there once and awhile I buy an item 30 off . I do like the 50% off the clearance price sale .

Well fuck everything like we are surprised . We elected a rich white asshole Washington outsider who thinks it’s ok to grab women by the pussy . I give up I try to understand why you voted for trump and why you are pissed at the government yes my roads have potholes and my kids school is just ok and not great my

Darn it I have been missing my mom all week . She lived for politics and was an awesome nasty woman . She worked hard every election for progressive liberal causes . I was so greatful that she got to see the United States elect their first black president she would have loved finally seeing Hillary become our first

I agree acting like a petulant little child is not going to help our cause . I live near Portland and when the protest became a riot on Thursday night I was so angry . You are not helping our cause by hurting your fellow humans by breaking windows busting up a bunch of cars at the car dealer setting fires and busting

It’s amazing some of them think the grab then by the pussy tape was made up . Trump has said so many horrible things and they are tape or on his twitter I am shocked that so many people can ignore them . The republicans jumped all over Hillary and her calling then a basket of deplorables . Didn’t Trump pretty much say

Yes Washington state went to Clinton but there are some disgusting people there . I live in southwest Washington and I am shocked by the number of confederate flags I have seen . There is a frightening number of white supremacists . My high school age daughter came home with some sad stories on Wednesday .

I agree with you I wasn’t sarcastic enough and totally missed half of my comment . We all know he said what he had to get votes . I am blown away that his supporters believed that a man who manufactured all his crap in china is going to make companies move their jobs back to the US or he will impose a tariff on their

I am on that bandwagon . Love her she is awesome and you can’t fuck with a war hero with a Purple Heart but she was born in Bangkok . Does anybody know if she is exempt because she was born on a military base or anything . I am not familiar with the rules on citizenship and whether you are considered born in the US

I have to say I like that he Trump wants to create jobs and improve the country’s infrastructure . Also I believe that he wants to bring back jobs that manufacturers have moved overseas but yes they were drowned out by the hate bigotry and sexism

Where’s the white man rage at all this money spent on investigating Hilary’s emails and Benghazi ? Think of the infrastructure they could have built with that money and the jobs they could have created

You are probably correct they are waxing nostalgic about how dad had a great job with great benefits and a good pension . Sadly it ain’t happening because globalization cheap labor the great manufacturing jobs aren’t coming back to the rust belt . Plus we just elected a rich guy who didn’t pay federal taxes and

My daughter came home from high school yesterday to tell me that her Spanish teacher was crying because some students wrote racist names on the black board about a fellow Latino student . Also a few kids were walking through the hall carrying make America great again and pointing at minority student and saying

We know he at least gets one and he will have that one by the end of February because he has the congress & senate . It’s disgusting that they couldn’t work with Obama and approve his nominee for the Supreme Court . I fear how trump will change the court and reverse roe v wade gay marriage etc .

All three of my children voted 3rd party I am greatful the oldest voted for Johnson instead of Trump because my issue was Trump is a racist sexist bully and I feel he is not qualified to be president . My 2 sons voted for Bernie in the primary and were not happy with Hillary so they voted for Stein and the Socialist .