
My 16 year old daughter came home from school today and told me a teacher was in tears today because other students wrote racists terms for Hispanic on the board today . Yes they have a student who is of Hispanic heritage . She also said some students were walking around with make America great again signs and

I don’t get it either when I heard that he pretty much wasn’t paid federal taxes I was like I am done with this guy . I mean you are busting your balls to pay your bills and paying your taxes while living paycheck to paycheck and this guy skates on federal taxes . How can you live the lifestyle trump does and not pay

He truly is the Teflon Don I just don’t get it there was proof that he is a narcissistic racist sexist asshole yet he still got elected. He knew this and pretty much called us a bunch of idiots because he said he could shoot somebody on fifth avenue and he still wouldn’t lose any voters .

Now playing

What’s going to happen when he calls Andrea Markell a fat pig ? I would prefer George Bushes creepy neck rub

Yes this would be easier if we were talking about a president Elect Jen Bush . It’s so heartbreaking that we elected such a hateful vengeful whiney little bitch . I am saddened that enough of the public can embrace somebody who spewed such hatred . What does the rest of the world think of us today ?

Don’t forget he is a racist sexist narcissistic asshole . I do not like trump I really hate him and I fear for our country and this world . We gave the republicans all 3 the senate the congress and the presidency . Get prepared America for some serious change and I fear it’s not the change everybody voted for

It’s going to be our version of brexit we just fucked ourselves . WTF what were people thinking this is why I haven’t been able to sleep for about 6 monthes . I could not believe so many people actually supported Trump . Do they realize how the rest of the world views us voting this crazy orange bastard into office .

I am jealous Tammy is awesome I can’t wait to cast my vote for her when she runs for President . Duckworth 2024

I now live in Washington state so I vote by mail . I did my research on the propositions and measures plus the state & local this weekend . I stopped and dropped my ballot this morning . It is a bit anticlimactic voting by mail but I got my I voted sticker . Now I await the results and hope we get our third Vice

I hate that we are left with choosing between a douche and a turd sandwich . I am not happy with Hillary but Trump scares the shit out of me and I have 2 sons that are draft age . The DNC knew Hillary had high negatives and trust issues yet they still decided to back her .

It’s disgusting he can grope a woman’s genitals not because we are consenting Mr Chappel but because we get put on trial when we tell the authorities that somebody violated our personal space . Yuck it’s disgusting that he thinks we consent to that kind of behavior . You don’t have the right to grab a titty or pussy .

One of those deplorables killed 2 police officers in Iowa today . I am so ready for this election to be done but I fear the outcome and the reaction of some people to the outcome .

I am not very tech savvy but if Anthony was the one who downloaded the emails because he figured out her passwords then how is Huma responsible . Plus do they the FBI really have the right to access those emails with a warrant if Anthony was the one downloading and spying on Huma . Honestly I am so sick of this

I remember how pissed I was when this Bundy character and his family thought it was ok to graze their cattle on federal land and not pay grazing fees . Thinking they can just get rich off the American tax payers and then they take over a wild life refuge and cost us $100,000 / week . Screw these militia types now I am

If they had been indigenous Native people the governor would have proclaimed a state of emergency and activated the national guard .

It may have something to do with Ralph Nader getting enough votes that we got 8 years of Bush Cheney and a fucked up war that ended up killing & injuring too many innocent people and turning the Middle East into an even bigger clusterfuck

But where do all their best players come from Canada Minnesota Wisconsin Michigan New York & Massachusetts the great white north

Maple scented is awesome just like a taco truck on every corner would be awesome

WTF Canadian chocolate is the best to die for . Plus they have nesquick cereal . I love Canada the people were so nice and being I am from Fargo my accent came back when I visited big time . I had a great time visiting BC for 2 weeks this summer it was beautiful and the people were great . I didn’t see any homeless

I came from the state that elected Jesse the body Ventura . This was during the only election I didn’t vote because I had recently moved back to the state . Lesson learned go vote on Election Day