
Also a bell on the collar warns the birds so they can’t sneak up on them . At least that’s what I was told as a kid .

I know there is locker room talk but this is in front of like 8 other people while filming a segment for access Hollywood and the worst part is he is talking about their female colleague . It’s beyond disgusting

It’s an Affliction shirt I believe which is just as horrifying as ed hardy . I am betting his jeans have bejeweled embroidered pockets . The fashion choice of douche bags

Whatever vote for Trump he loves and respects women .

Well I certainly wouldn’t expect a wife to hold up the husband’s side sauce as a paragon of virtue . I can cut Hillary a little bit of slack when it comes to the women Bill had affairs with I mean really what is she suppose to do they slept with her husband . What he did was rotten and he should have known better

Personally the after school Christian club should be held down the street at the local church . That is where they were held when I was a kid . I knew this was to counteract the Christian club and I get it the school has to allow one is they allow the other . It doesn’t sound like this is even involved with the church

That was my biggest problem why is any religious group allowed in a public school . I was raised by a Catholic mother and a Luthern father who both left their organized religions and stopped attending church . I don’t have an issue with most religion but I am not a fan of any extremist religions and cults . I have

Another sign of progressive politics going too far was one of the elementary schools in Portland just gave the rights to a local Satan organization to start an after school club . I believe it was in protest of an after school Christian club . I would be more on board with a nondenominational club that gets the kids

I agree it’s ridiculous the Angie hate I couldn’t believe how angry Chelsea Handler sounded . I get it your Jen’s bestie but this happened like 12 years ago even Jen’s over it by now .

Plus wiener fucked up his career about 4 sexting scandals ago .

I believe the book is involved with the North Carolina shooting . This guy had no gun and no book but I think they are saying there was meth or some drug in the car . There are so many of these I can’t keep them straight

There has been a radicalization of some Moslems in the twin cities there were multiple young men who left the states to be suicide bombers elsewhere . Also I believe some Somali ‘s were convicted for terrorism . I fear we may end up with Trump in the White House if this continues . I was reading the Saint Paul paper

These type of people are the dirty little secret in Oregon & Washington . Just moved back to southwest Washington and I can’t believe the number of confederate flags I see on pickup trucks it's disgusting . They have been making the news lately and their tattoos are shocking I mean who puts swastikas on their body and

I get it Howard stern may not be for everyone but I certainly don’t think he is some big jerk asshole . He has worked with the same crew for years and is loyal to his coworkers like Robin , Gary and Fred etc . Sometimes marriages fall apart and he as far as I know has not treated his ex wife or children badly . Also

At least Gary Johnson owned his fuck up . Trump never will

I am embarrassed because I had an idea it was a city in Syria but I wasn’t positive . I better go back to reading the newspaper and watching the nightly news and stop reading about kanye’s fail at fashion week and the hiddleswift breakup

No kidding Lindsey was perfectly lovely before the surgery and there is nothing natural about those lips

I have to agree with you . I lived in Minnesota so this story was in the headlines a lot . I am glad they caught this guy finally sadly I don’t believe there was enough evidence to arrest him for quiet awhile . I remember rumblings of an arrest was close etcetera but they must not had enough evidence . I do think

OMG I would be grossed out if he had sent this dick pic with his child to his wife . Easier to go to the bathroom and take a picture of your boner away from your child .