
John Stewart was his room mate in college and he seemed pretty disgusted by his behavior so if his friends seem to think he is an asshole he is an asshole . Plus who the fuck sexts their toddler in their pics

No kidding . It's like Anthony wake up you asshole I really doubt those women wanted your dick pic because it was a turn on . I am sure they were fishing for something to sell to the media

I agree I mean get a burner phone and never sext your face . The asshole humiliated his wife and child . This stuff is out there on the Internet forever . Plus he screwed himself over on a decent career as a politician . I do have to agree that sexting is not even a crime but he was forced to resign . There are

Sorry new to This posting pics deal hers my cat

My cat is Ron Swanson’s doppelgänger I need to send him to creature feature double creature or whatever the hell they call it

Fuck Kanye he is a pretentious ass . His video was stupid the guy is from Chicago there have been about 50 shootings every weekend this summer . Our country is divided some narcissistic racist millionaire is the republican nominee for president . What the hell Kanye you are an artist & a genious really did you have to

Bill Cosby disgusts me and I can not watch his shows or movies now because they are tarnished for me . As is Roman Polanski & woody allen’s movies . I just started reading about Nate Parker this week I get the whole being young and drunk . I had my own experience where I woke up in bed with my then boyfriend not

My daughter loves them and likes the designs plus the convenience of the mail order

I am glad you brought this up we always had pets and I used the tea tree oil shampoo on my kids during the school year . Naturally I figured fleas would also be treatable with tea tree oil shampoo and actually found a shampoo for dogs and cats that contained tea tree I was greatful my sister who works for a vet

I had to deal with these bastards back when my oldest was about 8 . I did every method there was the Rx shampoo mayonnaise vigilant nit picking etc plus lots of cleaning . We were rid of them in a week but a wise hair stylist recommended Paul Mitchell’s tea tree oil shampoo and conditioner . I had 3 more kids and

I honestly don’t remember her parents parading her around . As I remember it I believe her parents her trying to protect her from all the media attention. I mean it was big news and everybody probably wanted to interview her and get her story . I guess I could have been ignoring some of the coverage because I felt

Also there is going to be a difference between how a sexual predator and a healthy adult processes porn . Sorry but there is some pretty freaky shit out there and I am greatful I didn’t watch some of that porn until I was an adult . I worry about how much crazy freaky shit is out there on the Internet and how it may

She is only 14 and who are we kidding the girl is gorgeous . Give her sometime to develop . Sorry I am not trying to attack you but I get upset when people attack other peoples appearances especially a minor . When my iPhone mistakenly does video chat I am holy hell who is that scary ass person on my phone . I am sure

That happened to me in first grade . I was waiting in line with the rest of my class and the 2 boys behind me were lifting up my skirt and checking out my bloomers . I pushed my skirt down and asked them to stop and don’t do that . They kept found it and I probably should have punched them but I was the shy quiet kid

I believe the FBI categorized Martin Luther King Jr as a terrorist . Boy I clicked a link for some right wing website read an article and then I went to the comments . All I can say is wow there are some crazy bastards out there and it's scary . It was the gateway pundit I had to click away my blood pressure was

Isn’t Fresno where the cops beat Kelly Thomas to death . He was homeless and schizophrenic . I believe his dad was a retired sheriffs deputy . It was horrible I remember watching a part of the video it was so bad I had to quit watching . I am greatful that Philandros fiancé recorded the aftermath of this shooting it

As long as she has a nice set of tits and a great ass

Omg I now live in southwest Washington and I was drinking down the interstate heading into Portland and about 15 miles from the border there are some assholes waving the confederate flag I was all wtf do they not know this is fucked up . So I google some shit and find out Oregon has some fucked up Ku klux clan shit in

Plus the fact that he would only get a hand job from a gloved hand and then raw dog it without a condom . Risking STD’s and an unwanted pregnancy I call bullshit on that . I do not like trump but I find this story unbelievable . I want to believe there are men out there that would not rape & choose to have sex with a

John Oliver brought up that in Washington state the Democrats pretty much don’t recognize the primary results and only use the caucus results to determine the democratic canindate . This is my first Washington state primary I took part in the caucus too . My husband and I participated in the Caucus but our sons were