
Actually braces can have medical reasons correcting your bite with braces can save your teeth and from future problems like TMJ . Fixing a nose unless it's a deviated septum is cosmetic . Look at Jennifer grey she was beautiful and memorable with her original nose after a nose job she looked like a hundred other

No kidding my oldest daughter is 28 and her friends loved the big fancy ulta kits of makeup as gifts . Different story with my 15 year old only high end premium makeup like urban decay and two faced is good enough for them

You are that crazy bitch that thinks you invented photographing a model wearing a hat in a flower garden is like some amazing thing you thought of first . Go back and look at fashion photos that are 50 years old sorry you are not original get over it and go away . Marc Jacobs and Kanye maybe douche bags but sorry dear

Weather girl in California not that tough sunny and 70 but you do need to look hot and doable

Or if you are over 35 oh the horror I mean who wants to see a woman over 35 as sexual

Actually I think I would prefer to be a man reporting the news or weather because you just put on a nice suit and you are set . I believe there is a lot more pressure on the women to look and dress a certain way . You age out a lot faster as a woman especially in the Southern California stations

I moved to California about 5 years ago and this is kind of par for the course there . The weather girls news reports dress in clothing I would never see a news reporter wear in the fly over states I grew up in . I have to say I was surprised by what they considered professional clothing for women reporting the news

I agree with you it pisses me off they are wasting their time passing stupid laws forbidding people from using the bathroom of their gender identity . Aren’t there laws already to protect people from perverts abusing them in public places . I mean if Caitlyn Jenner walked in the women’s bathroom at the same time as me

I have to agree she strikes me as constantly being concerned with how she will look being photographed that she can’t relax and loosen up enough to dance

Hey Kanye you are making this all about you now . Go design some ratchet sweatshirts and sell them for $500

Hey is that you Kanye

I just told my son how trump would be better then that asshole Cruz because even his mainstream republicans think Ted Cruz is an asshole God help us

No kidding I have one of those fucking coffee machines with capsules mind you my capsules are recyclable. Anyway if I want to buy the latest machine I can program the bastard with my iPhone so I don’t have to get my lazy ass out of bed in the morning . I am screwed if I need another cup for my S.O. Though Because I

It’s in the wise words of south park between a douche & a shit sandwich

Elizabeth Warren . I know Hillary is qualified she is intelligent etc but Bill as likable and qualified as he was was just so gross the way he treated Monica Paula etc . Plus that whole tied to the big banks fuck them the middleclass and rest of us schmucks busted our balls for those bankers and hedge fund assholes we

What the hell was up with Yolanda having all her dental work replaced . I get replacing the amalgam restorations but not the gold and porcelain crowns . She obviously needs to replace the crowns with something and as far as I know gold and porcelain crowns are better then other options .

My daughter made an excellent copy of an anthropologies $200 Christmas wreath for under $30 with stuff from target & Michaels . I do love their stuff but dang is it overpriced .

I know maybe it’s my generation but I don’t get any bullying vibe from bette’s comment . I just get commentary on the khardashian thirstiness

Poor Kim we can’t blame her for not knowing Chloe . I mean Mariah doesn’t know who Jennifer Lopez is because she is too busy being Mariah

Let's be fair here she probably would have responding to anybody who confronted her like that . No matter their sex or the color of their skin . At least she didn't have her security throw her to the ground and throw her out like Trunp would have done . After that confrontation Trunp would also make a speech about how