She can also caucus and run as a delegate . You have to start somewhere . I am glad she is involved because so many young people are not .
She can also caucus and run as a delegate . You have to start somewhere . I am glad she is involved because so many young people are not .
I am with you I am terrified of Trump getting elected . I can’t believe that people are stilling supporting Trump after all the crap he has said . I will support Bernie for awhile longer as a way to let Hillary know that we are mad as hell and aren’t going to take it anymore . In the end I will be supporting Hilary…
It would be a great porn name but everybody knows it's your childhood pet and the street you grew up on . Mine would be Babbit Brookdale
And the honorable Governor Jessie the Body Ventura .
Really fucking ugly
When we took uber you could include the tip and we did include a tip both times . If the tip isn’t passed onto the driver I would like to know and I will now choose to tip cash at the end of the ride .
The thought of a Trump presidency scares the crap out of me. I had just moved to Minnesota right before Jesse Ventura was elected . This was the only election I did not vote in including those little school board and city council elections . I didn’t think my vote would make a difference because no way would the…
I thought Kendall was having Scott's love child
I was pregnant with my first daughter and craving a Hardee’s roast beef after a long day at work . I took one bite and it had a disgusting rubbery texture plus tasting horrible . I too spit it out and never entered a Hardee's again .
I have seen them at the dollar store but I they are one item I would never trust from a dollar store .
I grew up in the Midwest everybody had basements . I was always jealous of my friends who had finished basements my parents looked like something out of silence of the lambs . Put the lotion in the basket
I live in California now and nothing out here can replace the Minnesota state fair or Lund’s or Byerly’s . Always had to check out the livestock barn every year at the state fair . There are some amazing looking chickens too bad I hope they get the bird flu under control .
I saw that article too plus one that was celebrities who have ugly spouses . I am in a whole lot of trouble if that woman is ugly we all are . Sorry she is still gorgeous just heavier .
My choice for tubing down the Apple River would be some nice cold Leinie’s
Damn he is like 50 and he still has that body . Lisa looks amazing too Zoe certainly won the great genes lottery . I am 51 and my husband looks great too but he doesn’t look like he is 25 .
Thanks he is doing a lot better . He will always have neck and back pain but he is tough . I think his type of injuries would have disabled a lot of people but he is tougher then the average person plus he has a positive outlook . Just means I have to give him lots of neck and back rubs
I thought the 2 women involved in the crash were both driving on either expired or suspended licenses . Does that mean if they had automobile insurance it is null and void . My husband was hit by a car while riding his bike it was witnessed by multiple people including a police officer and the driver of the vehicle…
Lord disick if your nasty
I have to agree I mean girlfriend is better looking and wealthier then 99% off us but there is definitely some help from photoshop , Botox ,filler and some amazing makeup . I am not trying to hate just accepting I will never look that gorgeous in a pic