Damn those are beautiful boobies . I need the name of her surgeon I have fabulous nipples and I would love to enhance my boobies a cup size or 2 .
Damn those are beautiful boobies . I need the name of her surgeon I have fabulous nipples and I would love to enhance my boobies a cup size or 2 .
I live in Southern California and we have let our lawn go brown . The HOA hasn’t bothered us about it yet . Now that we are getting ready to put our home on the market I have been pressuring the husband into changing to drought resistant plants but found out we have to get an ok from the city . I knew about the HOA…
My kitty was attacked by a dog or coyote one night we found him by our back door one morning . I know I should have not let him out to roam I feel guilt over this already . Anyway he probably had 3-4 days of misery but that tough ass motherfucker pulled through lost his tail but he seems to be a very happy kitty . We…
I have to agree my last 2 cats were kittens that we assumed were abandoned by their mothers . Hate to say it but mother probably met a traffic end . One kitten was found with its siblings in an old collectible car the other found in the street . They were both so small they had to be bottle fed . I was only planning…
I don’t see the resemblance either . I have to say my cat is the spitting image of Scott Eastwood . We need to send pics of our kitties in pronto
Please John Stewart skewer these bastards . He did yesterday and it was amazing as always . He always exposes the hypocrites as did Steven Colbert . What am I going to watch from 11-12 Monday thru Thursday . I will miss them both so much . We still have John Oliver
I am curious does it have the same sensation as the 2 main nipples ? I would totally keep it so cool that it's considered magical
That's what I was thinking a couple very strong water balloons I am guessing . By the way who the hell takes a pic like that for Instagram holy shit they are a bunch of narsacisstic assholes
Damn I never thought I could feel bad for Kanye but knowing he is uncomfortable with his smile I have to sympathize with the poor guy . I am about to take on a dental procedure that may take 2 1/2 years . I have 6 crowns I need to have replaced the dentist talked me into replacing my front teeth with crowns that were…
I agree I am getting a Vegas showgirl feel from this gown . She does look amazing
I decided to google it and here’s a link .
I live in LA and last week one of the radio stations played audio from the event . I came in mid discussion so I am not sure where they got the audio and if it was authentic . Sounds like the lady was being annoying and they had asked her to back up and go across the street where the other general public was observing…
Rumor was that darling Nikki was from my hometown in Minnesota .She was supposibly my childhood friend’s older sister . I would believe it she was his type beautiful petite and an incredible body and still looks amazing . Anyway love me some prince/symbolina I had a bunch of his LP’s I believe one of my sisters swiped…
This happened to my daughters hamster and yes the cat was responsible . She had one of those bright colored plastic cages and the cats found out how to pop one of the bubbles off . We tried to replace it with a new hamster but the new hamster had a hole in its ear so we were busted . The cat we believe ate it was…
Please tell me my potato can be a bag of kettle chips
I live in California and with the drought they have been talking about the large amount of water it takes to grow an almond . I will stick with the peanut butter .
This line totally needed like beach cruisers in all the patterns . I would have bought 2 bikes one for me and one for my daughter . A Lilly pullitzer beach cruiser with a basket would have been the bomb
I am a west coaster so I was looking on line trying to decide if it was worth crawling out of bed . I would love some of the housewares but don’t need them so I will skip this one . I did have to check eBay and there are already over 4,200 active auction and 1,400 auctions that are over & done .
There was also the guy who got arrested in Minnesota for driving home his motorized BarcaLounger from the bar one night while intoxicated