
I have to agree I watched the whole interview and was so creeped out by her . My 14 year old daughter watched with me and was shocked and grossed out . I was blown away that they could find 250 people to agree to come to their wedding . I have to say they have 2 beautiful young daughters they seem to have turned out

They do come in cal king and they can order them for you right in the store . The shipping will be free and delivered to your home . Just check the web site and make sure you get the best price in case they are more expensive in store they have to match the price . Plus use your coupons . Shipping is free in

Plus there is a wow pass and you can save an extra 15%

Have to agree she got the basic cheap Easter basket dressed it up a bit and filled it with reasonable goodies . Can't hate on her for this one

Sadly I think this is the future because too many businesses penalize their employees for calling in sick which can be dangerous especially in the food service . I didn’t need my last job and I am pretty healthy but damn I worked with a girl one day I swear she had pneumonia she had a temp but kept working I told her

Damn that sucks sorry for that memory . My mom died and we never had an official funeral we all hung out for a week had some awesome meals an wine talked about how much we missed her . Took a road trip to her hometown and had lunch with her friends it was pretty awesome . Just hope she had known we thought she was one

Damn I didn't know somebody could look more plastic then kim

Definitely don't declaw I declawed only one cat and I will never again . He was an awesome cat and a kitten when we got him and had him declawed . I felt horrible he aways walked like his feet hurt he did not become a biter but I always felt guilty . He was an awesome cat and we miss him terribly . Hope he forgave me

I think her sister might have been her surrogate I guess I could google it but I am too tired and must read more gawker

I would think if she can afford to wear MAC lipstick she could afford to drink something better then that horse piss Budweiser . I am sure there are some awesome microbrews in Austin . Like her look though she looks darling

I caught a preview of next week and of course it looks like Carol does her part to take care of Pete . Love her and Darrel . They are both on the talking dead following the season finally next week usually means you are dying in that episode but there is a surprise guest also . That hopefully means it is the surprise

live here in the LA area the schools suck the cost of living is attrocious and there is one year of water left in the state . I do love the weather though

I am sure daycare is a killer there too maybe more then a year of med school .

Well I am a boomer and so are all my siblings and I know we are all pro infrastructure and public education . My kids have to live here and I want them to get a good education and have a decent job so they too can afford the American dream . We are not all assholes who watch Fox News

Plus her on call photo shopper who makes 6 figures a year so Kim can have lovely intsagrams and tweets . I also heard she has all her clothing altered for her body .

surf boarding grinding on that wood grinding on that wood

this will show my age but does anybody remember reusing plastic bread bags to line our winter boots . Those were the days my grandpa had golashes and my grandma would crack us up when she asked where we put grandpa's rubbers

I have noticed there is an abundance of dog owners here in california that never pick up their dog crap .

Damn hippies those target bags are perfect for reusing in my bathroom garbage cans . I reuse or recycle all my plastic bags . I do this at work and home I have never filled my garbage can but I always overflow my recycling . Now it's going to cost even more to live in this damn state . The weather is awesome but damn

eew I was just thinking that it looked like terry Richardson . Which is so wrong because this is like my favorite author & novel from my childhood . Sorry gene wilder is the only willy wonka I will ever know