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    Yup doomed for many reasons, not least of which because of the platform thing. INMHO Motor Trend is too limited to deserve a subscription. Also, this formula was starting to get old with the Clarkson crew, but at least you had Clarkson. These guys are all entertaining, but every subsequent Top Gear has been

    Yeah, they released photos early if I remember correctly. That said, first model year was 2011. Justin should clarify as the way he his assertion is inaccurate. Modern journalism.

    These are super cool. Glad you caught a shot of the interior from that angle. You can see the quality. I also agree with Andrew regarding the exhaust. There should be a way to tone it down. Parenthetical to that, I don’t want to lose the sound of V8 entirely as we transition to the electric age. Why not make this a

    Bradley, the hp ratings you shared are not entirely accurate.

    This and Baruth’s article are great Sunday reads. Thx. I thought it was a hoax

    Doesn’t surprise me if it turns out to be true. They’re sedans. Caddy should be loading up on SUVs. The new XT whatever is what the market wants.

    transverse, two-stroke diesel V4 front-wheel drive” haha classic. Nice vid

    Yeah, I’m a white male, still looking for the privilege 

    Sounds good in concept and would likely be unsatisfying in practice. Still, sub 2liter 6 cyl is cool

    The new Jalopnik. . 

    Fast & Furious : the movie non-car people think car people like. Same is true of NASCAR.

    HSV GTS would be a more fair comparison with the LSA


    Spot on - coverage is non-stop on one channel. Coverage is great. Plenty of cameras this year too. Missing me some Varsha and Greg Creamer but, that easily fixed next year. Elizabeth’s complaint is unjustified. On the other hand, Jalopnik forcing me to log in every other time I post...

    Had me fooled

    Epic, literally

    This thread reminds me of reading Rob Report circa 1986. That R39 in CS Quattro white is rad. Only thing missing is the sentinel dog ads

    Haha. The only thought that comes to mind

    Let’s not tar and feather this fella just yet. .its a manual

    Mike, this is probably one of your best write ups. Manually reclining seatbacks