
I immediately though of the Crusher too when I saw Remy's picture.

Why would I hate Muhammad Ali? And why are you so angry? I don't doubt that people were dropping the N-bomb about him because unfortunately, those people exist. That doesn't mean he wasn't being a dick. You won, the Crabtree's season is over, save it for the next game.

I'm pretty sure the consensus on Harbaugh and specifically his behavior is that he's an asshole. Sherman is an interesting guy but in that moment he was just being a dick. Gamesmanship is for before and during the game. Saying that to someone you just beat is just being an asshole.

Sounds like marshknute is new to the city and doesn't get off campus much.

Frederica Bimmel?

That's it? That's why the nazis were monsters? Harris wasn't trying to exterminate jews, gays, gypsies, etc. I'm not defending his methods but he was acting in response to nazi aggression and general monstrosity.

How does jumping out of a moving car into the road even enter your decision process when you're sliding on ice!?

Judging from your description I stand by my original comment. Good cooks don't make pre-chewed-looking casseroles or turkey that tastes like rotten chicken.

I think maybe you're spending the holiday with wrong people. It doesn't have to be bland mushy bleach.

Weinstein never said it was an FSU thing jackass. Unlike the garbage opinion pieces from bloviators at ESPN and SI, he's writing from his own personal experience.

Did you read the transcripts of his messages to Martin? He very explicitly threatened him and his family while using a racial slur. He said that, not Deadspin. That makes him a raging racist shit bag.

I will never understand why people feel the need to argue "their side" with cops during traffic stops. No cop is ever gonna stop and say "you know what? My bad, be on your way good citizen."

They all seemed like they were in on the joke.

Oof is right. Sounds like the wife has one foot out the door.

Just curious but after price and comfort, what else should they care about?

Are you saying comfortable seats aren't important? I spent 6 mos looking for a pickup last year and Chevy's were definitely at the bottom of the list. They weren't comfortable and, like most GM vehicles, the interiors looked cheap. I ended up getting a Titan and couldn't be happier. Its very comfortable, its got a

Scalfin probably keeps kosher. Not that there's anything wrong with that. But that is the only explanation for not appreciating the simple joy of a cheeseburger.

Why is it that all the commenters defending the GOP on gawker media sites go out of their way to make clear they're libertarian or independent and not republicans? As if saying you're a libertarian means you're some kind of high minded serious "thinker". If you're really a libertarian you should be just as disgusted

Well played sir.

That was my first thought. Why not turn some plain clothes cops loose on the confiscated bikes with Go Pro's. Doesn't seem like a very tight knit group so I doubt they'd notice a couple more idiots on bikes recording the action.