
Someone call the waaaaahhhhmbulance.

I didn't even know the "famous for being famous" thing was a cliche. That's how I always thought of her internally. Hey, if different people independently come up with the exact same description for someone, it may be kinda accurate?

If you ask me, both professional athletes and professional socialites are of equal worth(lessness) to society. They provide some fleeting mindless distraction from things that actually matter so some rich people can get even richer.

I'm not mocking trans people, I'm mocking people who say stuff like this. And they exist:…

That they happen to be trans is tangential to the point that it's a laughable position, deserving of mockery.

Has anyone pointed out yet how triggering and transphobic it is that Jezebel routinely posts articles pertaining to vaginas, menstruation, ovulation, etc when not all women have those?

This idea that parents have 100% control over how the kids they create turn out is infuriatingly pervasive.

Yeah, I can't imagine why they're prioritizing an integral part of their business over (I can't put enough quotation marks around the word) "safety". (if your idea of safety is never seeing anything unpleasant, I don't know where you got the idea that the internet is supposed to be safe)

He was doing the kid a favor by teaching him that actions have consequences and you can't always get what you want, two important life lessons that can't be learned without feeling a bit bad. It's part of growing up.

It'll never stop being funny how people will use "you are a child" as an insult for people that don't like kids. It's almost like Macklemore spending half his song about gay rights talking about how he's straight, it's an implicit admission that you don't believe what you're saying.

Are they really lumping together gay and bisexual kids into a single category, and comparing them to straight kids? I think it would be more interesting to see the results when the categories are properly kept separate.

You talk about it like he was posting weekly reviews for 5 years straight. What we get is 4 over that entire period of time, or less than 1 each year. When you put it like that, it makes it sound like he regularly uses yelp and occasionally remembered how fucked up it was that a bar was charging for water and decided

One of the reasons I never talk to my mother anymore is because she was excessively nosy. Keep reading those tweets!

Seems pretty insulting that you assume all "actual women" prioritize fashion over functionality, even when they're intergalactic bounty hunters.

It says a lot that even her friends think she looks like a dude with a moustache and a blue wig.

She doesn't look like a dude with a moustache and a blue wig, so I'm not sure why she or anyone else is so sure it's supposed to be her?

Grow a thicker skin if you're going to have an internet presence, kthx.

When I played Dark Souls, I couldn't help but compare it to Zelda II at every opportunity. They're both action RPGs that require you to master a very punishing combat system in order to progress. Dark Souls has a bit of a metroidvania feel to it as well, but I honestly think that Zelda II is the best comparison.

Honestly, 14 years in prison is better than 18 years caring for an unwanted child.

Ad hominems are only a fallacy if they're being used to further a point. He didn't say you were wrong because you're an idiot, he logically pointed out the ways in which you are an wrong, then concluded that you must be an idiot, which is irrelevant to any of the points he was making anyway, just an observation. Just

Yeah, can you smoke weed out of this or is it only fancy e-cig stuff?