Tech bloggers getting fucked? There’s a first time for everything!
Tech bloggers getting fucked? There’s a first time for everything!
And now he’s going to be disqualified for having the runs.
she was told that visible nipples could “arouse the male guards.”
To be fair, POC soldiers did fight in trenches in WWI, my great uncle fought in France- but in a segregated regiment. If they wanted to do a story of wonder woman coming in and kicking ass alongside a segregated group of fighters that get no respect because of their skin like she gets no respect because of her sex,…
Gather round, it’s story time.
I’m not rewriting anything and you’re clearly not bothering to read my posts, you just want someone to get angry at and I’m not interested. Goodbye.
All? I never said all. I said the vast majority in the trenches were white Europeans. They were. America didn’t even get into the war until the very last year and when they did, there were a handful of non-white regiments with white commanders, as other people have already pasted information about.
And I wanted to see Pandas in the Ocean with Dory and Marlin.
Believe me I have...the Harlem hellfighters were a minuscule percentage of American troops deployed...
The first world war was a fight against fascism? I don’t think I’m the one who needs to read a history book.
Its also very clearly a movie that takes place in WWI Europe. Black people would necessarily have to be token side characters (yay?), or the movie would have to feature a colonial troop formation, which, again, reduces the role of the only super heroine with a movie right now to feature black men (under white…
...were a small number of people in a huge war and you really don’t think it would look incredibly forced if they were included?
I know, why doesn’t Themyscira have any men, right? Seriously though, the movie takes place in WWI (evidenced by the Fokker E.III plane). The 1910s were not a period of tremendous diversity in Europe. There were lots of French and British colonial troops (India, Africa) who fought, particularly in the crises years.…
So because it has fictional elements, we need to have POC as soldiers in WWI trenches even though that never happened?
Well on one hand WW1 was a very cosmopolitan affair with colonial troops from all over the world taking place... but it was very segregated. In many instances diversity is desirable, but not when it feels like the production company/director/writers are just trying to shoe horn different demographics into the movie.
You want more diversity in a movie taking place in the trenches of WWI?
It's WW II Europe get over it...
I actually saw someone leave this comment: “Joe only cared about football. It wasn’t that he hated these kids or wanted to see them hurt, but you have to understand...his life was football. He was a good guy but nothing got in the way of his ambition. That’s what made him a legend.”
The presidential election isn’t the only nightmare awaiting us in November. Welcome to Congressional Cacophony, a…
No, you lose half your money. That's what the deposit function on the ATM is for.