My consistent criticism of Elder Scrolls throughout the years has been, "You know what this is missing? A bunch of tacked on MMO bullshit."
My consistent criticism of Elder Scrolls throughout the years has been, "You know what this is missing? A bunch of tacked on MMO bullshit."
I'm pretty sure most guys aren't lying when they say stuff like that, they're just mistaken in thinking that they speak for all straight men.
It's almost like phones come in different sizes and you should take that into account when you're buying one.
Her parents could have tried to raise her that way for all we know. She seems to be smart enough to reject that kind of thinking. Did you really agree with your parents on everything when you were growing up? I certainly didn't.
Or maybe she's just awesome and it has nothing to do with her parents? I dunno, it just seems weird to attribute everything about her to her parents, as if they have the magical parenting formula to make perfect children (reality doesn't work this way).
Ever seen Robert Pattinson? That's how.
Out of curiosity, how are the other Capcom employees taking it?
I love ED too, but I'm beginning to think it was more of an accident that it ended up so good; in spite of Dyack rather than because of him.
So many people misunderstand this quote. It does NOT mean that if someone is offended by something, that they are automatically wrong and have no point.
Yeah but remember what happened last time the fans had a lot of input? We got Mega Man 6.
I have a master's, and the PhD is on the way. By the way, there's still no proof that a child watching a porn will be permanently scarred in any objective sense.
Well you've clearly earned your degree in regurgitating baseless conventional wisdom. The idea that kids seeing porn will mess them up is based in puritanism and nothing more.
And then there's the fact that no harm will come to your kid if he sees video game strippers. The idea that kids under a certain age will be permanently scarred if they see certain things is 100% socially constructed nonsense with no science backing it up except for inconclusive studies paid for by the anti-video game…
It's not naive to dismiss an inaccurate cognitive bias: that certain forms of entertainment permanently scar children if they see them before the age at which that magically no longer happens.
I'm going to refer to it exclusively as Xbone. It sounds less stupid than saying "xbox one", not even considering that you are actually talking about the third xbox system. This is Microsoft's third console and the third console with an idiotic sounding name. I'm not going to indulge their silly naming conventions. If…
I'm with you on the nails. Something about seeing a cute cuddly animal being rubbed by what looks like painfully sharp long nails makes me uneasy.
Same, but I'm a mathematician, so...
Dude, we mathematicians knew asteroids took place on a torus back when it came out. Get with it, guys!
I don't know if I can really explain it- I haven't read a satisfactory explanation yet of why it is homophobic yet. It just doesn't strike me as homophobic. Then again, I don't always reach for the most offensive interpretation when things are ambiguous like this, i.e. I'm not easily offended.
"It's hurtful and homophobic, also it's uncomfortable to think of how accurately it reflects reality for many people"
Jesus christ, this website. What next, MLK was the real racist?