They definitely are orders of magnitudes different in terms of harm, but as you basically said they're wrong for precisely the same reason: removing parts of peoples' bodies for no real reason and they can't even consent to it is kinda fucked.
They definitely are orders of magnitudes different in terms of harm, but as you basically said they're wrong for precisely the same reason: removing parts of peoples' bodies for no real reason and they can't even consent to it is kinda fucked.
We shouldn't even bother to ask because it won't work? That's a pretty self-fulfilling defeatist attitude.
I feel like the blackface comparisons are insane. Blackface is like, making fun of the way someone else is born, and that's kinda fucked up. A man putting on makeup is not nearly the same thing; no one is born with makeup on even if you are the most womanly woman in the world. It is something you may choose to do to…
Here's a downside: Suppose in the future you want to take off the makeup. Oops! It's permanently on!
That kind of sexist gay guys are not typically into drag.
Although I think it's important to note: Gold is still valuable because it has plenty of industrial uses in electronics among others. It used to be valuable just because it was shiny and rare, now it's useful and rare.
Well, guess what, if you look up 'stupid' in the dictionary:
I don't have any statistics, but it's not "super rare". Plenty of trans people don't go "all the way" surgically. The surgery can be prohibitively expensive for many. Also, some might just not care enough about their genital configuration to go through the whole ordeal. It really comes down to the individual but as I…
I honestly don't know, but I can't remember it ever being used other than by/in reference to bronies.
There's nothing enlightened or creative about arbitrarily deciding a word can't be used because some people don't like it.
But seriously thanks for informing us how much better you are than people who use the word retarded, and also how anyone who uses the words they want are just trying to feel better than others.
I agree, but only because it's a Brony neologism and nothing more.
Whoa, +100000. Everything I ever wanted to say, said orders of magnitude more eloquently.
People still use the word retarded because being mentally challenged is objectively not a Good Thing no matter what terminology you refer to it by. Does that answer your question?
Right, gay used to mean happy or joyous, and so gay activists decided to use the word as an attempt to change the way we are viewed. Guess what? All it did was make people use gay as a hateful slur. You can force people to change terminology all day and it won't change a thing else. It's a purely cosmetic change to…
No you see, because as long as you bring *happiness* you are better than people who can read.
So conscience is the reason we should outlaw abortion. Now about those wars, drone strikes, etc? Apparently not moral issues, or none worth mentioning.
We also hate them for the sense of entitlement that Taylor seems to also be displaying.
Where are these Republican sex scandals that are somehow more damaging than the Democratic ones?