
Also we can definitely fix him if we just get married.

I'm pretty sure this shit is human nature and has little if anything to do with gender at all. That's just my theory, though.

Whittling, doodling in journals, building model cars, and makeup all sound like equally dull "hobbies" imo.

Did you subsist entirely on meat and grains, or what?

Yeah that pissed me off that they straight up accused her of not even being capable of doing what she did. But it made it all right that she shut them the fuck up for it.

All of these horoscopes are written to be as vague as possible so that people are much more likely to think they're true. They don't predict anything, they're just super vague statements that often make sense after the fact because they're so fucking vague. People tend to not notice/recall as much the times that the

Well sure they did that, like 50 years ago. Now they have these things called scanners.

Hah, I'm not insecure. I earned my 4.0 without the "assistance" that my Greek friends were privy to.

Yeah, note who won that confrontation in the end, too.

Of course they have higher GPAs, they keep a record of all the old exams that they know get reused and otherwise know how to perfectly game the system.

Wait a minute. Only the pink and purple ones are for girls, actually.

Also that when they make an unnecessary "girl version" of something that already exists, all they do is make it pink or purple. Like with the nerf guns here. It's just a really weird gender norm to enforce that these colors are for boys, these are for girls. I guess I can understand making gender color-coded might

I too was cracking up. This is another example of when you're not sure whether you're reading The Onion or not. I keep trying to say the name of the book without laughing, it's impossible because it's supposed to be a fucking self-help book.

"Well, from an anatomy standpoint women have less capacity for physical endurance than men."

What's up with the assumption that no woman could ever meet or exceed the standards currently demanded of men? It's certainly less likely but it's by no means impossible. Women aren't uniformly weak and fragile, contrary to popular belief. It's not about lowering the bar, but giving everyone a fair chance.

I had no idea there was even such a thing as penis lengthening surgery. You sure this actually happened?

Not being a smart phone owner, I used to find the "DAMN YOU AUTOCORRECT" posts funny. Now that I know you can just turn off autocorrect, my instinct is now "turn off your stupid fucking autocorrect and don't tell me about it any more, christ!"

I unironically agree 100%.

It also bugged me how the huns have much darker skin. I know that it's a Disney movie, and they do this all the time so I shouldn't complain, but it just bugs the hell out of me that their villains are always darker than the protagonists.

So if I knowingly infect people with HIV because I want them to get sick and die, I should be totally free to do that and nothing should be able to stop me?