
I hope you weren't addressing this to me, all I did was copy+paste the comment on the article this one links to, so we can bask in its stupidity together.

Uggghhh, the only comment on that article:

But that's the thing: YOU can just go to any regular old bar and it's all the same to you. If we want to be around other gay people when we drink, the gay bar is our only option. We can't have that if every heterosexual in the world thinks they have an open invitation.

But queer allies aren't doing it for the same reason. I mean sure, they might all be there to hang out with friends, and in that respect it is the same. The gay bar offers different things to straight and gay people. To gay people, it's a place where we can actually be ourselves and be the majority for once. To relax

Everyone keeps trying to read into my post that I think that there's some objective measure of gayness that we need to check before you can be allowed into the gay bar. That's not at all what I'm saying. I'm saying that if you are not a woman who is in any way romantically or sexually interested in other women, you

Yeah why do like words have to mean things and stuff? *rips bong*

A lesbian bar is an appropriate place for lesbians to hang out. It's not appropriate for people who either are not women or are women who are not sexually or romantically interested in women to show up uninvited. Clear?

Sorry that I phrased that poorly. I just meant that you should be attracted to women in some way if you are hanging out in a lesbian bar uninvited, that's all.

Another commenter said this better than I could, but gay bars aren't necessary because of hatred. We just want a place where we can be the majority for once. If all the straight people come in, we don't get that anymore. Even if they're totally nice and accepting, it still completely defeats the purpose of having a

Of course she's allowed. I'm talking about a hypothetical woman who has no desire or attraction for other women, but feels somehow queer in some unspecified way. I don't know from experience if anyone like this actually exists, but I'll take sevenme's word for it that they do. She shouldn't be hanging out at a lesbian

So you are entitled to be anywhere that you are comfortable being, even if the people that place is intended for are less comfortable by you being there?

I think you're missing the point. Are you a women who is looking to have sex with other women? If not, it would be appreciated if you could save some space at the lesbian bar for actual lesbians who need that space (by not going). Just feeling nebulously queer doesn't qualify.

So, you get hit on by creepiest guys, yet you feel more comfortable there? Weird. At any rate, you completely missed the point of the article. If you read to the end, she says that it's ok to come if your gay friend(s) wants to bring you.

Don't forget the part where the worthless office drone makes its own worthless office drone children, and the cycle begins anew!

Yeah, I somehow doubt that the bear is burning THAT many calories. We're talking about an animal that consumes and burns a lot more than you and I each day and you think idly pawing at this guy's cage is going to tire it to death?

Except people who pirate movies weren't going to spend money on them in the first place. It really makes no difference to the artist since they aren't getting money either way. Again, an analogy that makes no sense.

Oh come on, hemorrhoids are awful and we laugh at those!

The absolutely ridiculous logic here is his explanation of why he's giving up the games. It makes no sense whatsoever and I can't help but feel that he had a deadline to meet and this is what got crapped out in 2 hours.

It just doesn't make sense, though. It's like someone experiencing the visceral horror and fundamental inhumanity of war and then their reaction is "I renounce playing chess". I'm gonna chalk this extended non-sequitur up to a lazy SEO attempt.

More people keep making this case that the sensationalist media is the most culpable for encouraging this behavior. I think it's a good point. The way the media has reacted and continues to react to these tragedies provides the main incentive that makes any sick massacre all worth any psycho's while: notoriety.