Some people don't find television entertaining.
Some people don't find television entertaining.
I think it's supposed to be funny, but let's not attribute to a sense of humor what we could attribute to cluelessness!
But the thing is, as a guy, your opinion of what constitutes misogyny doesn't really matter that much. Sort of like how as a white person, my opinion of racism doesn't matter much, because I'm not on the receiving end of it. It's easy to throw out your uninformed opinions on things that you have never been put…
Yeah, I honestly can't believe such a low-effort troll got someone to type that many carewords.
This guy is a really low-effort troll, don't waste your time.
On the other hand, if you never give them an opportunity to sort through BS, how do you expect them to get good at it?
I was talking about the wolves, lol. Sorry for not making that more clear.
Probably a dangerous low for the survival of the species. Like, extinction.
Hahaha, I get it because wolves are actually pacifist vegans and humans are the real killers!
Somehow I feel that my experience going through male puberty isn't even comparable to what this woman (and others) went through (and continue to). I mean, there were some awkward moments but I was never in pain over it.
All I can do is laugh at this. Thanks for brightening my evening.
So it was consensual, but it was also rape? Dafuq?
Is there any evidence that Clash actively sought out underage guys rather than just not really mind if his date turned out to be 16 rather than 18? I think there's a difference, since in the latter case the younger party is actively seeking an older party to have sex with, rather than being seduced by a trusted adult.…
But hey, at least all those jobs that require no skill or talent aren't being hogged by the men, right?
Haven't you been to a gay wedding? They practically revolve around fisting.
Wasn't there a similar incident in Georgia a few months back about a teacher using slaves as part of math word problems to teach math and history at the same time? Talk about bad ideas...
Still don't get how homeless people are hurt in any way by getting jackets that keep them warm, but OK.
I'm guilty of false equivalence, but you're the one who's saying that charity without dignity is the same as no charity. Disregarding that not everyone may share your concept of dignity, a person in need receiving help is a good thing regardless of what you or anyone else think about intentions. It's not…
Yeah, but just because the officer isn't open about it, doesn't mean that he doesn't have that intention. It's totally understandable to presume that he doesn't, but the point is this: if someone is helped, that is a good thing, regardless of whether or not someone is laughing about it. I'm just pointing out the…
I tried watching it with an open mind, and to me it's just another cartoon for kids. Not particularly bad, but not anything I'd want to watch, either. It gets annoying when bronies continually imply that the only way one could not care for this show is if you haven't watched it yet. Have you considered that maybe some…