My thoughts exactly, there’s so many games ive been put off once ive seen the “procedurally generated” in the description. You miss out on the “Have you found/done that bit?” conversations with your friends.
Ok so back in the days when games were on discs and internet + DLC wasnt the norm. In this situation do you think they wouldve left this already created content out of the game or included it to help sell their game? Given that there was no way to then re-sell it afterwards?
Cheat codes still exist, they’re just called DLC now
Needs more grey
As it stands atm SSARPBC is actually the better game. The differences are as little as make no difference. But the map choice on the prequel is far better, i am however hoping all the old maps will appear soon as DLC on Rocket League. The Newest map they announced which is just a reskin of the basic map in the style…
he was gay in 44 inch chest though
That John Cena music. makes me crack up everytime. I think its because it reminds me of that phone prank though
He shouldnt be selling exclusive rights to his streams if he cant guarantee exclusivity. Its like me selling someone exclusive rights to view the outside of my house, when i have no way of preventing anyone else looking. It sounds silly, but then the whole subject matter is silly to begin with.
I like how theres no such thing as inspiration these days. If someone uses a similar mechanic as another game its called a rip-off instead...
You do get them dropped free. But the cosmetics are far from pointless. if people are willing to pay, let them, and they put the money towards staging big Tournaments and prize funds, how can you complain about that.
to be fair the knife is worth over £100, regardless of whether its real or not
Mistakes would be fine yeah but if hes like me. I literally dont even know how to do anything. I loaded it up a while back and what just clicking around trying to make something happen and work out what i was supposed to do, but to no avail. so yeah making a mistake wouldve been a plus point because it wouldve meant…
Pewdiepie's "style" is just an exaggerrated false attempt at copying Dopefish anyway
theyre both 2d platformers but they are massively different
I dont get what Optimal Means, Because i smash all these requirements on my pc yet if i tried to run Far Cry 3 on Ultra @ 1080 it ran like a Slug....
You can search for torrent sites, just as easily using google. when are the google founders being arrested?
Apart from that sonic game is way better than any mario kart and its not even that good of a game.
I read this in your voice before i even saw it was you that had written it haha! brilliant