
Does this need any explanation other than, we need to give people a reason to buy an Xbone? I didnt actually read the article but if he didnt say that then hes a goddamn liar.

Needs more RPG :( less hack and slash

I fucking loved the original gauntlet legends

theres a guy your supposed to get a mask from isnt there? so you can gain entry to the party unnoticed. i might be mistaken its been a while since i played

i just mean this mission the party mission thats being discussed.

This is the point i stopped playing the game, i found the guy with the mask but i had no idea how to get him to give it to me. i tried about 15-20 times kept doing different methods and i got so annoyed i just stopped playing

imagine minecraft with these. would it give quad SLI titan Z's a challenge? or could code be optimized well enough to support this sort of thing

This one was absolutely hilarious

those extendy plug things on that heatsink..! what are they? i need them how do i get them?

i mustve watched it just seconds before it was removed then..

Speed Freaks still looks good

its 3D Realms what do you expect?

Looked okay until that horrible glass texture on the ashtray and cup. real immersion breaker

how is this not vegeta?

he either played for long enough so the law of averages meant at some point thered be a few impressive bits to pick out or he played against a preset group of people. i cant him holding his own online with that set up. but i could be wrong, i havent tried it.

not that i disagree with you but, youve gotta play a 1up if your gonna make that statement.

Its a good job i dont work there, you offer a cheaper version with a slight limitation so people have a choice and they get angry about being given a choice. I wouldve just said fuck it there will be no PS Plus version then everyone pays full price. Theres things i can agree with getting upset about, but people who

and $495 million of that will be spent on marketing. i'd love to see the actual figures broken down. even if just to the nearest million