
Yes, it's true. More of a culture thing than true doctrine (I'm Mormon myself). It's basically an interpretation of the scripture related to no alcohol etc. that actually says strong and hot drinks. The whole coffee and tea being included only happened early-20th century or so. I was speechless when a childhood

ehh, 1. They put it out there, you know?

Death in a children's film usually has weight. Death in an action movie aimed at teens is played for laughs or gore. Movies aimed at adults have to reconcile both, and that's where the struggle lies. You end up either with revolting nonsense like Quentin Tarantino, or you get schmaltzy sap like The Notebook.

Death is prevalent in most children's films because the young characters need to be free to pursue the action.


My fiance and I are getting married in 5 days in the seychelles islands. No family, no headache, no pathological family members who so hate thir own life that they have such GRAND advice for how we should live ours. NO brothers hanging out wondering what TV station has FOX news so they can blames WHORES who

Mark's bunny.

My 80 year old racist father just loved Bill Cosby "back in the day". I think the only kind word he ever had for a black person was reserved for ol' Cliff Huxtable... Luckily, dad's still alive to watch him implode.

Basically. I mean, Cosby has a literal hatred of black people, particularly black women, and especially poor blacks. Of course, all of that hate is biting him and his terrible family (not Erinn...yet) in the butt as the only black people trying to defend Bill is a woman who encouraged her white spouse to dress in


I think it really depends on the issues. None of the issues you mentioned are horrible problems like alcoholism, eating disorders, abusive relationships, etc. People are under enough pressure as it is to look "good" (whatever that means), to succeed in life by everyone else's standards and to date people that everyone

Obviously I am not saying this about all friends who get pregnant, but in MY experience those friends tend to turn into one-issue/No-question-asking friends right quick. I am not a parent, nor do I ever plan on being one, and I'm a guy so the whole pregnancy thing is completely over my head, so I can only talk

ultra loving this comment.

Aww. Thanks!

Well, this story isn't from a holiday party, but it was an office party, and I sure as hell did make an ass out of myself. It was my first big party at my first real job; I was in charge of planning the day's activities, so naturally I was in panic mode for an entire week straight before the event. I wanted to impress

Jesus Christ. He's on everything but skates.

Maybe we should focus less on trying to change who we are and more on trying to play to our strengths. Like if you're stubborn, you're probably loyal and stand up for what you believe in. If you're wishy-washy, you're probably flexible and open-minded. Awesome people come in all types.

It's simple really. Stabbing is a form of compliment for men. It's demonstrates that the attacker thinks you're a big manly man.

When they catch this asshole, I hope they lock him in a small room with that cat. That cat is at Level 10 in pissed-off and will inflict damage, while still maintaining maximum snugability for his/her people. I am donating just bc I want him to buy more treats for that cat.

His cat's name is Babycakes. Babycakes is not to be trifled with.