
My ex traveled a lot for work. I never had any idea what was going on during his work trips. Knowing him, he was probably working 18 hours a day, but he could have been drugging and raping people and I never would have had any way of knowing. I have met enough crazy people that I might shrug off an accusation. I can't

Oprah, you could throw a couple hundred bucks at every man, woman and child who hula hoops professionally in the entire world and STILL be able to fly around on a private jet literally made from hundred dollar bills! What the hell, O?

There is a precedence to this though. Bill Gates wound up making his fortune when someone noticed his firebreathing act when he used to open gratis for REO Speedwagon, and Warren Buffet got his start working for free as a ring girl in backyard wrestling tournaments that were frequented by Wall Street talent scouts.

As someone who has lost a buttload of weight, I suggest starting with 1 goal every 3 weeks. Like, get 3 servings of vegetables at lunch for this 3 week period. Then change your two snacks for 2 pieces of fruit for the next 3 week period. Then start exercising 3x a week for the next period, and so on.


Holy shit! What was #10? "You don't share my appreciation for the music of Huey Lewis & The News?"

Still no excuse to be rude though! My own cat is a card-carrying jerk; I act with proper decorum at all times. Pinkies out when cleaning up spite pee!

I can see how you can be mean to a cat, but how do you be just rude? Does she comment on its weight? Fail to send thank-you notes after it brings her a chewed-up lizard? Call it a nickname it doesn't approve of?

It's been well established on the internet that some cats are just jerks, though.

She's awesome!!

I am barely over her Carl's Jr. ad where she molested a burger.

I hope all this with Cosby makes people understand why victims of child sexual abuse can't stomach Michael Jackson still being praised.

You leave Claire out of this.

You should have asked them what would happen if you put a person in an oven and baked them at 350 degrees for 45 minutes to an hour.

Remember, just because you ordered the Gratuity, it doesn't mean you owe your date anything!

I had to actually explain to my managers (a few of them over the years) that "as the son of public school teachers, I cannot let ignorant people keep believing in incorrect facts"... Like when customers told me about a location and/or entree that DOES NOT EXIST!!! (I believe you're referring to TGIFridays or

Agree with this so much. The fact that you can fall for somebody else while you're in a relationship means that that relationship wasn't right.

"My penis was just concerned for her health!"

I like to make my servers smile and hope to be an easy customer. And I tip well. Which means I can't afford to go out much, but hey. :)