
Colin K never had that spark. What he had was an above average O line and a center that could read defenses and make line calls. Ever since he moved on and the O line regressed to average, he has been below replacement level against average or better defenses.

Colin K never had that spark. What he had was an above average O line and a center that could read defenses and make line calls. Ever since he moved on and the O line regressed to average, he has been below replacement level against average or better defenses.

Please keep in mind, they began to study replacing the nimitz class prior to the fall of the berlin wall. The pre-design work for Ford was begun in the early 90s, and everything has followed from that. Each successive generation of carrier fighter has grown larger and heavier, as has the expectation of carrier air

Heard of it quite a lot at Avondale. UCMJ vs. State civil and criminal code. Fun times for all! NOT!

Ooo.. Ooo... I know the answer to this one! As a follower of Jez for several years now, I think I understand this question and can answer it.

I suspect that they will get a few Fords. But, somewhere along the way, semi autonomous drones will become the preferred flight platform and, with a modest downscaling of their size as compared to conventional fighters, smaller carriers will suffice. I personally imagine something on the order of a modified America

Oh, I completely agree that, at the expected rate of production, and with the life expectancy of their existing fleet, that, at the low point, we’ll be down to 7 serviceable carriers within 15 years. SOMETHING has to change. What that is, I have no idea, but the pentagon is being held hostage by the industries that

The whole point of this new carrier design is more, with less. The cost of carrier operation is normally many times its amortized development and construction costs. It is critical for the navy to operate more efficiently in the face of tighter budgets and skyrocketing costs. While it may seem incredibly expensive up

The physics work in that scenario, but, there still other possibilities. On another forum, there is a report from an SWA maintenance tech that “there is a blade missing”. I don’t see a bypass fan blade missing in any photos, so that leads me to believe that it is an internal rotor disc blade that is being referenced.

The PIU (explorer) is MUCH more popular these last few years. The extra room in the second row and the large storage area in the rear is VERY welcome for the law enforcement community with the ever increasing amount of gear that they have to carry. The gigantic trunk in the CVPI was one of its biggest attractions, as

And it didn’t just happen once...

Valuejet, injuries from high speed metal fragments caused by a turbine disc failure...…

Delta MD-88, failed front compressor front hub, two fatalities...

not really, with the inlet cowl blown apart, there is ram air getting into the cavity between the nacelle and the actual engine. It’s got quite a bit of force to it, so it can blow open the access panels. The other possibility is that it was a compressor surge that compromised the bleed air system, pressurizing the

I can see where it could be read that way. I did mean that it likely ingested a portion of the disintegrating inlet cowl. Backwards debris is debris that is just falling of or being shed with no propulsive energy. Chunks punching holes in the fuselage and clipping the winglet, that required a decent kick in the pants

The going theories are:

THIS! We were seeing 2500+ CP mon in gyms within the first week, and things are generally in the 3K+ range for the more active gyms now. For the gym closest to me, and for a few gyms that my friends are encountering, the instant that you manage to knock the gym down and go to post a mon in it, there’s already another

The problem that we’re seeing over the last half century, or a bit longer, is that the inflection points are starting to get closer together, and where in the past where some jobs were reduced in manpower needs, or productivity arose, there was still the need for human involvement. We have gone from the horse, to the

My best friend is a lawyer that has done criminal defense work for the last 15 years solid. He gives one piece of advice early, often, and loudly...

Pretty freaking common around here from what I experience.

Tou learn real fast that you always take the new diaper and place it over the weapon of mass sprayage as you pull off the old one when dealing with boys. Contains the damage.

We found someone nearby on etsy that made pull over bibs from towels. You provide the towel you want, you get back 4 washable bibs that fit well and are large enough to cover everything. Wash, dry, repeat. We loved them.