
As someone who used to practically live in protestant churches and grew up in an intensely Catholic city, Eve got it from both sides. She got blamed for talking to a snake about morality in the first place (notwithstanding that God had told them that all of his creation was good, save for the fruit of that one tree)

Former SB deacon here. It’s not so much that the teachings are that most women are sexual temptresses (and there, its “the desire that is in the heart of the man” that is evil and not the woman herself) as much as it is that there should not be even the appearance of impropriety. Being a minister in modern western

A general xd5000e will give you about two charges with its 12 gallon tank of diesel. Granted, it’s also $3500 and weighs ~250 lbs and takes up 12 cubic feet of space. ThE combination can still get 2 people and a modest amount of gear WELL off the beaten path, let them stay there a few days, and get back.

How is this even a question?!?!

I’ve perused the comments here, and I’m surprises at how few people are putting the pieces together here. It is VERY well known that nuclear control systems are effectively air and time gapped, being physically separated from the internet, and generally being analog, direct controller action systems based on 30+ year

I delivered my Corolla to my local Toyota dealership one year ago. There it still sits waiting for a now bankrupt company to maybe make a replacement airbag for it. In the mean time, I’m driving a Chevy Cruz rental that is far and away nicer than my own car. NO rush here guys...

Do like I did, go to your car dealer, tell them that you purchased a 5 passenger vehicle to move 5 people. IF they are telling you not to use one of the seats, they need to make you whole again by providing alternate transportation. I’ve had a rental for my Corolla for a year now, and there is no expectation that I

Jeez, that’s a fairly high hurdle to jump, especially around here...

Correction: you replace MANY blue collar jobs with a FEW white collar ones.

Wait, what? They don’t just turn over and go to sleep right after they climax?

You aren’t alone in this struggle. Others live in it too...

No doubt. Testing and operational capability are very different things.

That’s great and all, if only our systems were that well integrated. In reality, so many of those systems exist in their own little world’s and hanD off is an ugly process at best.

This is the right idea. Decoys are often tightly packed inflatable or semi-rigid bodies that are light weight and radar reflective, thermally similar and optically similar to the real warheads. They are often disputed with the MIRV warheads when the payload is deployed. They are supposed to overwhelm any defensive

A large part of the problem, at least I think, was my wife managing to get some in the dash registers and defrost vents. She tried to turn her head when she lost it and wound up spraying from the side of my face, across my body, across the dash and into the passenger footwell. It was also in the slot for the hand

While I am glad that my horror could brighten your day, trust me when I say that this is a contest that I never wanted to win! Oh, and the fate of the car... i traded it in a week later. I just couldn’t get the smell out of it. I doused it with lysol and car scenting chemicals, took it to a used car dealership,

Going to add my horror story...

I propose the Demon Ram 3500, single cab, short bed, DRW, 4.0+ rear axle ratio, lightened front end, solid lead tailgate. With 4 rear wheels, it will hook like an anchor and pull like a freight train, probably with the nose high and the rear bumper dragging the ground.

I yield to your understanding there. Though, there is nothing stopping that engine from being marketed by RR for the application. However, from an engineering perspective, the BR700 series is as close to a drop in fit as possible. Yes, there will need to be engineering work, bUT it’s still the best fit.

This! SO much this! I have placed two friends in recent model Impala limited in the last two years through Enterprise. Zero problems. Both now have nearly loaded v6 sedans with 6 speed autos with plenty of power that were previously leased salesman cars. They were both well under 20k and got decent financing.