
Well, there’s a big, fat wake-up call to anyone who doesn’t believe rape is a tool of war or that access to and control over one’s own reproductive care (including abortion) is a human right.

So cabs are not for women? Fuck off.

There is a movie with Jenny Slate called Obvious Child- and she does just that. It's a great little movie.

I want to applaud Sports illustrated for having the courage to feature a young white woman with symmetrical features, the hip to waist ratio of the Venus de Milo, and pert breasts. Most humans look at this model and have to cover their eyes in horror. Only the Sports Illustrated editors could see past conventions of

things Ed Sheeran has never heard in bed?

Oh, great. Another raw vegan.

it should be sexual reichstag, not sexual congress

Damn, fuck the police just took on a whole new meaning.

You gotta pay attention to the signs people. This sort of thing has historical precedent. First it's a little ectoplasm on the collar. Next the eggs in your fridge spontaneously boil. Before you know it you get home one night and she's on the recliner with a host of disembodied spectral hands doing whatever they

If they start trying to flavor whiskey, I'm gonna shank someone.

Tolkien's books weren't written for children (except The Hobbit, and lesser-known short stories/novellas Farmer Giles of Ham and Roverrandom). They've come to be thought of that way, I think, with the accretion of best-selling fantasy actually intended for young adults. Read his lecture/essay "On Fairy Stories."

Grown up books stay with you for a weekend. Lessons fron chuldren's books stay for a lifetime.Which i guess is an other thing, most adult novels don"t go out of their way to moralize or influence in the first place.

I'm an accent chameleon. Put me in another region for a few months, and I will start to sound like I'm from there. I do it subconsciously, and start to mimic the language patterns I hear every day. My Northeastern relatives tell me I've totally lost my Northeastern accent, and it makes me kind of sad.


Jezebel Basic

Bulletproof® coffee is a brand of coffee created in 2010 by Dave Asprey, an entrepreneur in Silicon Valley who, legend has it, was "literally rejuvenated" after being given yak butter tea by locals after hiking in Tibet in -10 degree weather at 18,000 feet.

Is this sponsored content or what?

I'm very sorry that you and the others who've posted have had negative experiences with Indian men in the past. On the other hand, as an Indian man, a feminist, and a regular reader of this site, this discussion makes me wince. Fact: there are shitty and not-so-shitty people out there from every culture and creed.