
Nah. we had a 400 system (3 of them, iirc) at my previous employers, and we got to where we got a hard drive in before we had to do maintenance, because if we had to shut her down, it was guaranteed we’d lose a drive. That went fine for the most part, until one of them lost the controller one maintenance weekend...

Why? If it had been an attractive, mid-20s lady who put her hand on your shoulder,you wouldn’t even consider it.

Nothing spectacular at the moment, but I did have to charge a client an half-hour labor to change the battery in her wireless mouse.

I just want to see the Firefly universe.... they’ve got some piece of garbage over at, but it feels like so much Facebook fodder...

I just showed this to my SO last night, to show off the artwork.... I hope they don’t cancel it.... it looks amazing....

Whew... *corpse thread* I finally bit the bullet and went to Dorco to replace my Mach 3 collection (last one went on the handle Monday for the week and a half or so I can get out of it). Prices have doubled at Ye Ol’ Dorco in 3 years. Still a better price than the club, but my paycheck sure as hell hasn’t doubled in 3

Thx Dr. Carter.

Missed this last week.

Bah. I’m just annoyed they threw out the entire Universe of stories and history already written. I understand why, from a sale’s point of view, but not from a fan’s. I want Leia and Han’s children to be prevalent in the story, Mara Jade, and all the rest.

The Camel and PZ plugins show as little icons when you get to a site that they index, which aren’t all of them. Probably a good reason why they don’t seem to have any effect on my browsing experience. They function on sites like BestBuy, Amazon, Newegg, HomeDepot, BBB, etc. Once you get to a page with an item, if its

I noticed that as well, and the popups in the corners of too many pages “You can find this at a better price on *this* website!!”. I wanted something a little more silent, and less intrusive. I stick with Camel and PriceZombie.

Thank you.

Signo Uniball 207 Micro.

Signo Uniball 207 Micro.

Hmm. Thanks, I’ll look further into it, then.

My fiancee has been out of work for almost a year now, and got covered under Obamacare in a seeming sweet-spot of assistance assuming she’d bring in around $11,000 this year total. But it looks like we’re going to come under that “considerably”. Am I correct in determining that she is actually going to get completely

I applied some of that logic the other week with my driving-age daughter in the passenger seat. A lady on her phone came screaming up behind me in my 3.5 V6 (small point because I don’t normally drive slow, and don’t like to), and proceeded to tailgate me for about half a mile on a 2-lane, double-yellow, country road.

I’ve got the F150 trying to move left because the dark (Ford?) sedan merging in from the right at 45sec was coming in slow. After that, mentally, I see the F150 yanking his truck to the left behind the Mustang, and rapidly losing control of the rear end as he overcompensates coming back to the right, only regaining

Oh no.....LastPass has an excellent reputation.... Too bad.....

kthxby canihasurstuf?

Hahahaha Obvious troll is obvious