I’m absolutely gutted. I was really hoping Pugh was a Blur stan.
I can’t see how this story point is anything other than unforgivable. I haven’t seen the movie yet but I think knowing this, there’s almost no way it can make it a good movie for me. They dump on the ending of Return of the Jedi because they’re creatively bankrupt. Anything new would be better. Anything.
I watched all three back to back last night, and TLJ was still the one that captivated me the most, it holds up.
Support thread for folks who found both Force Awakens and TLJ boring and realized you’ll never love Star Wars as much as you did as a child and that’s ok
“It’s OK” seems to be the consensus.
Hero Fiennes-Tiffin
That’s a Fiennes Tiffin you have there, Hero. If would be a shame if something were to happen to it.
its going to fail because its not for anyone- a liberal isn’t going to go watch a movie about three rich, racist propagandists who were willing to sell their souls for a quick buck and now want sympathy that working for a racist corporation set up to subvert and destroy american democracy on behalf of a handful of…
supervillain played by go-to Brit baddie Ben Mendelsohn
I thought it was obvious that it was the ghost of the heart donor— OUT FOR REVENGE. He forces Emilia to murder the members of a rival crime syndicate.
Much like Lauren isn’t saying that the Broncos are trying to kill Joe Flacco, I’m not suggesting that emailing g-omediafeedback@googlegroups.com with complaints about the current media strategy will send it to the chucklefucks responsible for making these decisions.
This leads us to one question....is Joe Flacco an elite backup quarterback?
Bill Belichick is a swarm of bats able to assume human form.
I do enjoy the idea of someone trying to smuggle scotch pods in their butt, then they explode because they accidentally sat down too hard and then they die of alcohol poisoning. Crazy millennials always dying from pods!
Predicting new internet trend of people putting scotch capsules up their butts to see if it gets your drunk. Will call it Scotch Tape-Worming. Will inevitably end when it progresses to people drinking the scotch trickling out of a butthole and being hospitalized.
It's good enough that I thought it was a Lindsey Buckingham song for a number of years.
Eh.... It’s Alright.
::Jim Messina quietly eats dinner alone at home::
I always assumed it was the very similar “pig-sticker,” but, in fact, it apparently means one of “guy who sleeps in the pig sty,” “guy who holds down the pig while the butcher kills it,” or “guy from the town Schweinsteig.”