Liam Kinkaid

Come on now. “Paid” is a third grade word. It is slightly forgivable when you see it misspelled as “payed” in comments, but when it’s someone who gets “payed” to write for a living? Give me a break. Why is it we never see “sayed” instead of “said”? Using the paid/payed logic, that would make perfect sense. What

“Is Totally Fake”? Let’s call it what it is. It’s a lie. They deliberately took something that someone did and promoted it out of context. They deliberately deceived people, aka they lied. When you’re trying not to hurt someone’s feelings, you use little euphemisms. “I’m sorry your grandmother passed away.” “We

I have a strange craving for shrimp spring rolls now.

“In Europe, they wash their tooshies like they wash their hands.”

Here’s my take on it. Riker DID use his powers when he was Q. He used them to look into the future, to determine which actions/inactions would cause the best possible result. When his powers were gone, he still had the knowledge. He knew that saving the child would have been the wrong move. He knew that he’d have

This is nice. One improvement would be if they had the cable coming out of a corner (with a little give so it’d be adjustable) so you could either get one more outlet or a mounting side so using the bracket wouldn’t eat up an outlet.

“That disbelievers exist, though bizarre, isn’t at all surprising.”

“approximately one in a billion”

She’s thinking “My agent is fired. He is so fired.”

As part of the acquisition, Gawker and Univision came to a mutual agreement that if a majority of certain specifically identified individuals decided to delete a post, it was to be deleted. Now, when that right is exercised, you get upset? Well, hell, I don’t want to pay my mortgage as agreed, do you think I can get

It would be very interesting to know if the effect on well being (both positive and negative) is a result of biology or if it’s a result of the established gender roles. So if women were the traditional bread winners, would they have the same deleterious effect being the sole bread winner?

You beautiful bastard. You beat me to it.

I know it probably won’t happen, but it’d be an awesome gesture if his flood insurance at least partially reimbursed him for the expense of the dam.

Those mushrooms are crowded all to hell.

I think you’re right that it’s impossible to truly compare apples to apples (i.e. Red Delicious to Red Delicious), but with the crazy amounts of data we can collect and the methods that statisticians can use that I won’t even pretend to understand, it might be possible to compare Fuji to Gala, which is probably better

I’m almost afraid to ask what part of the body is being cleaned with the dish scrubber on the “her’s” caddy.

Well, seeing as IKEA is an initialism for Ingvar Kamprad Elmtaryd Agunnaryd, it should probably be pronounced AYE-KAY-EE-EY, unless you’re also saying ris-vip for RSVP.

There’s no basement in the Alamo!

I never said it was a woman’s fault that she gets paid any amount, I said that it might be crappy business practices that favor people who are more risk seeking with jumping job to job, and I never said anything about negotiations. So please don’t put words in my mouth or mischaracterize what I wrote.

I’m not disagreeing with you that significant increases in salary are made when you change companies, but could that be the cause of the wage gap, rather than the effect of it? For example, if a woman is more risk averse (I know I’m generalizing here, and not all women are risk averse, just like all men are not risk