Have you any idea how it feels to be a fembot living in a manbot's manputer's world?
Have you any idea how it feels to be a fembot living in a manbot's manputer's world?
I think we should bring back the phrase "What in Scott's name..." It has a nice, old timey ring to it. That, and "Great Caesar's ghost!"
Even better than the "Print" button is a Greasemonkey script called Autopagerize. It does the same thing on a lot of different sites, and it's automatic.
@Shiryu: Haha...Maybe it means Romana's making a comeback!
@ender89: :D Recognition fail on your part.
"traditional Georgian outfit"
@johnson.brettr: Then I lose the original data. I guess it's a solution, but a very inelegant one.
My biggest pain is the lack of copy/paste in the calendar. When I go to the orthodontist, they schedule my next visit. With Windows Mobile, I could long press on the appointment and copy it, then paste it to the new day and change the time if necessary. With Android, I have to create a new appointment. I don't…
@gthing: It is against most merchant agreements to charge more for credit. However, it is not against merchant agreements to offer a cash discount. That's how they get around it. I've mentioned it a couple of times before, but there's a liquor store chain near me (Houston) that offers a 5% discount to cash/debit. …
Before she got out there, there was no snow on that car.
"Of all the ways you can get out of your fee, this is my least favorite. You did sign a contract and you did agree to finish it, so you're basically cheating AT&T by trying to get out of it for free."
I, for one, fully endorse the use of location-centric idioms in the reporting of things like these. Well done, Kat. One does feel quite badly for the scones, though.
I actually have it on good authority that a lap dance is so much better when the stripper's cryin'.
@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: I'm using exactly this setup. I found some add-ons to WMC that allow you to switch to Hulu Desktop and Boxee, but it's far from perfect. I still have to use the mouse at times to click on the app in order to get the taskbar at the bottom to go away.
@REO Speedwagon: Really? Unless your insurance cost 50% of your salary, a 6% increase in your insurance would have been less dollar-wise than an increase in your salary of 3%.
@QLAB: Actually, I think we need some truth (or at least clarity) in reporting laws. Blockbuster still gets those movies before Netflix and Redbox. Blockbuster kiosks, which are owned by NCR and lease the name from Blockbuster are now under the same delay as Netflix. The linked article makes it clear, but Gizmodo's…
@Skeptic: Came here to say this as it is exactly correct. Blockbuster stores and Blockbuster by mail will still have some movies 28 days earlier than Neflix.
Why is it that the can of soda is popping up as Purell?
@jackslackofselfrespect: Now that would be totally awesome!
@t0ughguy0: Oh, trust me, lots of us touched your mom's vagina. Lots.