
As for legitimately slow cars, a base Ford Fiesta. Team O’Neil has a huge fleet of them as their intro rally cars with minimum modification and they are hilarious to hoon around.


What do you do when your Aston breaks down and you don’t get a loaner from the dealership?

Eh hem. Eh hem. Excuse me, I seem to have a frog in my throat. Eh hem (this list is bullshit). Eh hem! [I’m just joking, not really complaining. Well ok, a tiny bit.]

These are just going to CRUSH the potholes on I-10 between Katy and Houston, where most of them will spend their entire lives.

I have the Blackprints that Sabrina Chun did a year or two ago through Kickstarter. Gorgeous, was delivered on schedule, and look great when properly framed. Looks like it was a "one and done" project though, as I don't believe she's produced any more since.

Shit! I missed the ST, it should be on there. Fixing now!

You fools

F40 /thread

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