Lezzie Borden

See, but what you're describing are assholes who just happen to be vegetarian. The issue is that the other customers who act like petulant children when dining at a restaurant aren't labelled as better-than-thou meat eaters just because they're in the majority. I'd argue the vast majority of vegetarians are already at

I don't think I know a single person who's not had a plantar wart at some point in their life. Why the all caps? It's not Ebola.

When the surviors of her victims are allowed to leave the horrific murder of their loved one behind.

The point is that couples who have difficulty conceiving without assistance should forgo the right to a natural child and be responsible for raising other, parentless children, while it's totally okay for those who can conceive naturally to have all the children they want and leave the parentless children behind. The

Because essentially you're stating that no matter the technology available or personal resources available, only fertile, healthy, opposite sex couples deserve to reproduce.

Because placing the burden of the foster care system on people whose only commonality is that their reproductive organs don't work properly is bullshit and makes no sense. And singling them out as over indulgent if they don't want to adopt a kid who will likely be older and have special needs puts them in a class that

I'm a lesbian who scissors. I don't know where the idea came from that it wasn't a thing.

For fuck's sake, why is everyone assuming the authors didn't control for socio economic status? They did!

Unless you're an epidemiologist your personal experience is irrelevant here. And even if yo you are, your personal experience is irrlevant, only your professional experience would be relevant.

Let's stop using the word "selfish" to describe people without children, forever. It is NOT selfish to focus on bettering yourself and live the life you dream of.

I don't really get this. From a vegetarian/vegan perspective, it always seems to me that omnivores around me are so defensive. I don't like to talk about my diet choice, but people invariably ask, and push, often when they first meet me, and then when I'm roped into a sudden debate, I get called preachy and they get

The one thing I really like about Paltrow and some other healthy-living branded celebrities is when they emphasize simple, fresh, whole foods. Their soundbites and cookbooks are the main counterpoint to all the fast food and packaged food advertising and placement that surrounds us and calls to us all day long ("I'm

Yeah, I engaged that commenter a few times but s/he consistently comes out with the wackiest most convoluted arguments for defending homophobia, I just ignore her now. The breaking point for me was when Lindy posted some dumb homophobic rap and sizor_sister jumped in to accuse all the commenters making fun of it of

Many of those are deemed unsuitable for adoption because of "repeated unprovoked aggressive action." But people still want them, so there should be a more effective system to get these pups into homes.

Yes. I thought the same damn thing! Omg..just woke my patient up singing this and he asked me if I wanted one lump or two ! Sometimes, I love my job.

'Cause not following your gut is how you end up in a body bag, asshole. Your biggest worry when dating is your shriveled up dick, ours is not ending up fucking dead. Fuck off!

Let me guess - you're straight. Easy to dismiss activism, easy to say "not impactful", if you are represented in practically every single story that has ever been told in media, ever.

"I have nothing against gays, but can they just stahp with rubbing my face in their existence??"