Lezzie Borden

I think the most disturbing part of everyone saying “the ex says it wasn’t abuse so it’s not” trend in these comments is if you’ve ever actually worked with victims of rape and DV (I have), you would know that victims typically excuse and downplay acts of violence towards them. There’s a reason why many women in

Are you for fucking real? You’re going to sit there and not even entertain the option that a world where men feel entitled to purchase women’s bodies and attention and time is a also a world where that entitlement may spread to ALL women? Where no matter what legal protections may be in place, women doing sex work are

Where are your statistics for 100% of all couples who apply with adoption agencies get a kid?

That’s great, but then why doesn’t everyone adopt a child? Why is it the specific responsibility of couples going through infertility to do so? As someone who has worked in the system, you know more than most people how challenging it can be.

and you are publicly shaming him because...?

There is no evidence anywhere in this story to suggest that Dan refused to tattoo her because she’s a woman. That is 100% something that she was reading into his refusal, so excuse me if I don’t start screaming ~*~gEnDeR dIsCrImInAtIoN~*~ from the rooftops.

Nailed it.

*rolls eyes*

So he refused to perform a service he was uncomfortable with—artists are allowed to turn down commissions—and you are publicly shaming him because...?

I respect that artist who refused. For whatever reason.

Um, “Doc”? Follow the link. She’s using imiquimod. It’s not herpes, and she hasn’t had huge resections all over her face. The blistering/scabbing are really typical results of the treatment. If I’m not mistaken, there multiple non-surgical treatments for early-stage skin cancer that produce similar horror-show effects

The difference, maybe, is that everyone wants really nice stuff. Everyone (or close enough to it) would love to have a gorgeous wedding with someone else to do stuff for you and take care of details and amazing food cooked by someone else and cunning little decorative touches and lovely gifts to give to guests and

Uh, no.

Grace Mann was an out lesbian and very active in UMW’s LGB activist group. Fredericksburg.com leaves that out of their articles, but that isn’t a surprise given their political slant (see their opinion section’s “top story” today.) There’s a very real possibility that Mann’s murder was an anti-lesbian hate-crime and I

"It's 'Oh my god! You're a ski-racer' or 'You help the animals.'"

I'm with you enska. There's some serious shaming going on that is hitting home for someone who didn't managed to sort their shit out in their twenties while also finding time to have a child. I still want to though and don't want to feel irresponsible and shamed for doing so. Solidarity my friend. It should be

After reading all these comments, I now feel like a piece of old, useless shit because I don't have a kid at 33. I'm going to go cry now forever until I see my therapist in a week and a half. It's really fucked up, guys, to be talking about how people are too old even at age 30. Look, I don't really have a choice

Maybe I'm not understanding your comment, but if a parent can't protect a child from abuse, why does it matter why the parent can't protect the kid from abuse? The point of the child welfare system is to protect kids, not to decide how blameworthy parents are. Children deserve safe homes, even if the parent's

As a child whose mother failed to protect her from abusive stepfathers/boyfriends, I say fuck her. Children are utterly defenseless and can't leave an abusive situation under their own power. This woman's kids didn't choose her shitty boyfriend.

They throw heels with everything in attempt to make it less frumpy/hipster-dowdy. Based on their site, I would assume everyone wears boyfriend jeans with four inch heels. It turns out no one does.