
My god, that sounds so good!

I had to cut down on dairy while breastfeeding, but only for a month or two. I drank rice milk instead of cows milk (and in coffee, cereal etc), but kept eating cheese and yogurt. It did help my son's reflux/gas, and I only had to do it for a short time until he acclimated. One of my coworkers had to completely give

Maybe because I'm sitting here with a grossly enlarged uterus containing a probably 6-lb fetus plus fetus juice that has entirely crowded out all my other organs, but it seems weird to think of a uterus as having fixed dimensions. It seems a very flexible organ, and one that will have a different size and shape before

Yep, a cup a day. Actually I started out closer to two cups a day. Or you know, two "pretend" cups like nutritionists measure it; one fill-up of my big 12-oz mug with French press. I eventually cut down to one, but there have been some days when I really need two cups of coffee (or coffee followed by tons of

I cannot picture the rebound man who would be able to fill Johnny Depp's shoes. Physically, I mean; he could be a real asshole in person. Maybe she will go the other direction and look for, I don't know, a Viking type or something.

Yes, I understand the distinction. You get listeriosis from listeria and that's clearly what I meant.

And the world seems evenly divided between people who will chide you for your habits and people who think you're being silly and overprotective. I asked my mother-in-law whether the mozzarella in the salad was fresh or packaged, and she said, Oh, I can't keep up with what you pregnant ladies eat now. Like it's just

Jesus Christ. I am trying hard not to be a crazy pregnant lady but the listeria thing is freaking me out. For those not pregnant: the reason women are advised not to eat cold deli meats and fresh cheese is because listeria, although a generally uncommon type of food poisoning, is much more likely to affect pregnant

YES. I'm always thinking, that? Somebody out there with $30K is dying to spend it on this ugly ceramic dog or whatever? Meanwhile, the things that are truly beautiful or interesting to me are much cheaper — yet still completely out of my price range.

Cosigned. What is she, like 19 or 20? That is the age of making dubious hair decisions. If not now, when?

I think YOU're lucky, because you don't have the monkey on your back! I love sugar and it is very hard to quit. I support your decision only to eat See's candy - best candy in the world!!

True. My favorite midwife is the one who is not above making childbirth jokes that revolve around a pun on the word "box."

Not really to the point, but I feel like medical professionals should refrain from saying "Oh dear god" in reference to patients. :)

Probably better than getting your labia stuck in your zipper. But perhaps you have unfloppy labia.

Alkaline water?

I guess it surprised me because you hear so much about the opposite problem: women trying to beat their eyebrows into submission. I think sparse eyebrows look perfect on very fair-skinned people, but, you know, grass is always greener and all that.

I guess it surprised me because you hear so much about the opposite problem: women trying to beat their eyebrows into submission. I think sparse eyebrows look perfect on very fair-skinned people, but, you know, grass is always greener and all that.

I would specify, fetal girl bits. In fetuses/infants, the labia tend to be kind of large and puffy, so it enhances the impression.

I am stunned by the information that some people have insufficiently bushy eyebrows.

When I used to go the the Y, I was always struck by the great comfort of the older women showering after their swim classes. The stalls had shower curtains but they never used them; they liked to take long showers and socialize. And yes, they scrubbed out their crotches in a most vigorous, full-body manner. I mean, I