
A virgin mojito is pretty good — it's just mint muddled in sugar syrup, lime juice, and seltzer. It makes a nice summery drink even without the rum!

I don't think so. They trigger migraines in some people and I'm one of them. I just count my blessings that I don't have a problem with chocolate, coffee, red wine, aged cheese, or any of the more delicious standard migraine triggers!

I wasn't soda-restricted per se as a kid — my mom didn't buy it because she thought it was a waste of money. All the Kool-Aid we could drink, though, and she let us mix it ourselves so we would routinely use twice the sugar. That's two cups per pitcher!

I knew it couldn't have disappeared before 1982 because Marty McFly (from 1985) tries to order it in Back to the Future.

Except for me: the smallest quantity of aspartame (about a third of a can of diet soda, a few diet candies) give me the raging migraine that lasts three days. I fully accept that I am the minority, however. I have the same problem with bananas, go figure.

Coke Zero tastes like regular "sweet Coke," and thus tastes better than Diet Coke, which tastes like battery acid.

Oh, it's Harry and David, you're right. :) Chocolate is definitely bad for dogs. My sense is that it's much more dangerous for small dogs. Big dogs shouldn't eat chocolate either, but he was like 175 lbs and it didn't faze him. Plus, he threw most of it back up. This was a dog who would eat whole avocados if he could

I remember once reading a story about a woman who is my height but weighs much less. I've never been thin but for a minute, I thought, it is possible! I could be that thin if I wanted! Then I kept reading about how she never ever EVER eats pasta or bread, eats chocolate like twice a year, etc. Basically, a very

I wish we had footage of my parents' Great Dane breaking open and consuming an entire large holiday gift pack of Henry and David truffles, which were individually wrapped in foil and contained in a cardboard box that was sealed in plastic. Less interested in footage of the ensuing foil-adorned digestive upsets that

Mr. L and I almost got divorced playing Boggle because of constant disagreement over which words were "allowed"/not real words. Shit got REAL.

My question about that story: what do Gaga's friends call her? Do they call her Gaga? Lady Gaga? Stephanie? It just seems awkward to use a person's dramatic stage name when you're just calling them to chat. I have the same question about the Edge.

Come on, the "more classier" makes it so unintentionally hilarious. More hilariouser!

No. You are thrifty, not a hoarder. If your house is a functional living space and you are able to make rational decisions about keeping or tossing items (some old clothes for yard work, some to Goodwill), you are doing fine!

Ok, all we can really assume about Phelps' girlfriend is that she's 4:20-friendly.

I read that sleeved wedding dresses will never be common in lower-end bridal because they're more of a PITA to design & fit. Basically, it's cheaper to make a dress that ends at the armpits (or has half-assed optional spaghetti straps that have to be super tight in order to stay up).

The dress isn't as bad as the floral headband. I know mid-forehead garlands and jewelry are coming back in bridal war (didn't Kim Kardashian wear one when she got married for ten minutes?), but they always scream "flower girl at mid-90s Renaissance Faire wedding" to me.

Oh, Yub Nub! I have a 3-year-old who watches the original trilogy (he's not allowed to watch the first 3, mainly for aesthetic reasons). He's too afraid of the Emperor to watch 6 all the way through, but when he does I'm sad that he doesn't get to hear Yub Nub! The new Ewok song sucks!

If you do over: we used the Imperial March (I think that's what it's called? played when Leia awards medals to Han and Luke at the end of Ep IV) to process out of our wedding. It's great because the first few notes sound like the traditional wedding march and then it goes all geek. It was a highlight. :)

Yeah, I wouldn't recommend it, but I bet you could lick every inch of another person with your tongue and not get sick from it. I wouldn't eat sushi from another person's body because it would be incredibly awkward, not because it's unsanitary!

But doesn't VS make most of their money selling "Pink" branded cotton undies to teenagers? I think they occupy a market niche for young women who want fancy undies but who can't afford to spend money on real bras, or don't see them as investment pieces.