
Two planned pregnancies, one at 32 and one at 35, one in April and one in September. Mine are planned around the school year calendar and my anticipated unemployment this fall. :) Reese's might have been planned but I kind of doubt Snooki's was!

I am going to make it my mission to stop women from being pregnant in summer! This summer has been the hottest on record, as you've noticed, and I have been MISERABLE (due in mid-September, I theoretically have another month yet!). I barely left the house all of July because I just feel like passing out in the heat.

My kids' birth dates are totally tied to the school year. My son was born in April, on one of the least common days; we wanted to have him close to the end of the school year so I could have all summer off with him. This one in my tummy was intentionally concieved during the last week of December, in hopes of making

I'm due in September, too — I guess around the same time as Reese Witherspoon AND Snooki (I'm 36 weeks, officially due Sept 18.) I guess it really is the most common time of year to be born!

"They look better with curves" = "They look better with better-fitted clothes." I can't tell an ounce of difference between the before and afters in any of those pics.

He blames the cat, is the worst thing. "God damn cat peed in the laundry again!" Well, you haven't emptied her shitbox in like 10 days and it's more pee than litter in there! What do you expect?? She's actually a remarkably patient cat when it comes to litter — we can go a week, but after that there will be trouble!

My understanding is that if you've had the cats for some years and they are indoors cats, you are probably fine. It's more the risk of getting new infections from cats that go outdoors. I'm pregnant now, and we have had our indoor cat for ten years, so I probably have very little risk, but I choose not to share that

Right? Turns out we just miscarry for fun and to abuse our womanly powers.

The epic misunderstanding of women's bodily functions never ceases to amaze me. Remember the lawmaker, about a year ago, who wanted to pass a law prosecuting miscarriages as a crime? Because somehow women have some kind of magical ability to just close our eyes and concentrate reaallly hard and poof! the embryo just

Yuck, diaper beads. In the event that your large dog ever eats a used diaper, those beads are what cause the whole mess to be ejected from every orifice until the dog has completely destroyed the house and you have to move.

I kept repeating it to myself, wondering if it was some traditional name that I just didn't recognize because of the mispelling. Kroy. Kroy. Kroy. It doesn't sound any less weird with repetition.

I'm not sure whether Kash or Kroy upsets me more.

I breast fed with no problems whatsoever, was a good producer and all that, but I cannot fathom why women who use formula get so much hostility. Like so much else in parenting, breastfeeding is hard to do, and it's harder for some moms and babies than others, and it's just another choice you have to make as a parent

Craigslist can hook me up, I'm sure.

Someone below suggests Vibrams barefoot shoes. I LOVE my Vibrams, but I have very strong arches and prefer walking around barefoot. I think they would be murder on flat feet, especially if you are standing on hard surfaces all day — the whole point of the human predisposition to barefootedness is that you would be

No placentas??

And I always wonder: evening gowns in the 19th century were often nearly sleeveless: they had little vestigial sleeves or else wide decorated straps, almost to the width of a cap sleeve. I wonder if (elite) women in the 1870s-80s shaved their armpits or not. I've read quite a bit of costume history and I've never read

I wonder if the popularity of sleeveless clothes for women spurred the popularity of deodorant. Women in the West rarely went sleeveless except for evening wear until the later 1910s. Harder to wear dress shields in a dress with no sleeves or very short ones.

BRB, going to go lean sexily on the hood of my 99 Civic coupe.

Well, that depends, was it $15 Canadian?