
I hate this LIE LIE LIE they sell that you can just switch around band and cup sizes. I was a 36A and they tried to tell me it's "the same" as a 34B. No, it's not. 34 band is cutting off my circulation, and the cups are hanging empty. They just want to carry a smaller range of sizes for their own convenience! I

I think a good gyno will be able to work with you. I've had a lot of gynos; most were very nice, understanding and considerate; one or two were terrible. So you'll definitely want to talk to her first; maybe bring it up when you make the appointment. Tell your mom that you can't get anything in there; even if she's

As someone who has fallen UP stairs multiple times, I think I might need to do some reading!

I went to the doctor when I tried to have sex for the first time. It just seemed like there was no way a penis was going to fit in there. The gyno was very nice, checked me out and said "you should be fine, just take your time!" And eventually he had to (nicely) just kind of jam it in there, and it hurt a bit but then

Ugh, that is so rude. I don't understand people who don't have the basic social manners to realize when they're leaving someone out of the conversation. I have that problem with some of Mr L's friends; they all get started talking about theatre and I have zero to add to the conversation. ("Hey, you know what musical I

And when you're on the street, depending on the street, I bet you are definitely in the top three good-looking girls on the street! (Depending on the street!)

Depends on whether sex takes place before or after ovulation. Sperm can hang around for a few days waiting for eggs to emerge; eggs only stick around for about 24 after they're released and before they head on out.

College history professor here, requesting an edit: For "After World War II, women started to be like, "Oh! Maybe I can get a job!" please replace "job" with "career." Women have had jobs, meaning work that they do for pay, for as long as there have been jobs for pay. (In addition to the unpaid work that ALL

I had an experience similar to LindsayQ. My son was emergency C-section due to birthing problems, but was an otherwise big healthy boy (9 lbs 1 oz). He was in NICU for a week for antibiotics (chorio on my part and suspected lung infection on his). I wanted them to call me to feed not because I'm virulently

Yeah, I need to know if this is true because it's really disturbing. Diet Coke contains all kinds of weird chemicals which are not a big deal at normal consumption levels, but to think of drinking NOTHING but that . . . ugh. Not to mention, he must burp an awful lot.

Yep, totally. Nobody preaches hate like a convert. He used to be fat, so now he's full of barely concealed loathing for people who are the merest bit heavy.

Am I the only one who remembers those weirdo ads in the back of magazines for "diet sprays?" They were basically breath freshener sprays in the flavors of "fattening" foods (Cheesecake! Chocolate cake! Potato chips, I don't remember). When you felt like snacking you would just spray the flavor on your tongue, and thus

Oh, my apologies; I didn't realize you were here to intentionally miss the point.

I'm trying to say this nicely, but you need to go back and study history a little better. The idea that "women couldn't do anything productive" in the "olden days" is incredibly wrong. At every point in the past, women did tremendous amounts of productive work. In a farming community, women did at least half the work

OMG the double door problem!! That one I will actually say something about. If you see a set of double doors, then one is for entering and the other is for exiting traffic! We don't actually have to pile up waiting for people to leave before we can enter! I'll march up to the other door and use it while proclaiming

I don't think there's any way (or real need) to criminalize this, but what I hate about people using phones while walking is that they simultaneously slow down and stop walking in a straight line. They're meandering slowly back and forth along the sidewalk or path, making it hard to pass them if you are a Brisk Walker

Oh, typo: it was my shower cap. HE PEED ON MY SHOWER CAP.

Yep — and very early on you get the Shifty-Eyed Guilty Look and the Attempt to Redirect Blame, both of which suggest an understanding of wrongdoing. Once Little L got distracted while standing up to pee in the toilet and sprayed everything in the vicinity. Later, when asked about it, he swore up and down that no, it

Dear everyone:

I thought maybe since it's a creamy, thick, white substance, it might be substituting for, um, something else? That doesn't explain the ketchup, though.